The Interview

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After Rosie was cleared, first was slowly going back into duty. She had a few interviews and talk shows to go on. Around this time was when Aizawa and several other hero's were going to execute the rescue mission.

Rosie sat in the green room of a talk show host, very popular, Mei Hado. Her vibrate pink hair and electrifying energy made her the youngest talk show host to be a smash hit. Funny enough she was dating a popular hero, Hawks. But only Rosie knew along with Mei's younger sister, Nejire.

Rosie wore a knee length dress, had a U-shape collar. It was a dark shade of gray as she stayed to mono colored outfits. Her black strapped heels clicked on the floor as her leg bounced. Her hip length hair was curled and swept to the side. She checked her makeup as she saw the more natural look she loved with a bold lip, a deep burgundy shade. It complimented her tan skin.

"Mrs. Rose, you're up next~" the backstage producer stated outside before she opened the door. Rosie stood up and followed her to the stage. Her dress skirt flowed a bit as the tulle flutter a bit showing a bit of light gray.

"And now folks, our next guest is a very popular and debated hero in the top 20 rankings. Who just made a come back to hero work from receiving a brutal injuring from a big baddie. Madam Gore ladies and gentleman!!" Mei introduced her, her hands out and wide as Rosie signal to walk in.

As elegant she could she stride over as she waved and boosted that people pleasing smile she had. She walked to Mei and hugged the short host. The two parted as they took their respected seats across from another.

"Hello hello Madam Gore! Thank you so much for being here today~"

"It's such a great pleasure Mei being on your show. Thank you for having me."

"Oh! Of course! Once I heard you were ready for action I knew I had to get you in and talk to you about the events that lead to your accident! And of course talk about your quaint family."

Mei smiled as she leaned in on her desk. Rosie crossed her legs as she nodded along. She softly smiled as she relaxed a bit.

"Now before I ask many questions, how are you? How are your injures now?"

"Oh thanks for asking~ I've been fine. Only reason being I was around my loved ones that cared for me. As for my injury, my foot healed fine. Had a couple of shatter bones, we had one surgery to put in temporary rods to help my bones heal overtime."

"Oh wow that's so interesting! And I'm so glad you had those around you to help during those hard times. Now I must know, since you yourself are married to a fellow pro hero. How has your husband taken your last fight? As we a nation saw a legendary hero saved you.  And the mass destruction the said fight created. How has your husband supported you afterward?"

Rosie sat there as she knew this would happen, she let out a sigh as she shook her nerves a tad.

"Well being saved by All Might, I was lucky. If he wasn't there I truly don't know what would of happened. My husband was scared, he had a reasonable reaction like anyone else. As my family did too, but they waited for me. Took their time to help me heal, and regain my strength. So I am truly lucky to have them in my life."

The crowd applaud and 'awe' to her statement. Rosie knew she couldn't reveal to much as the show went on. Talking about her next steps as she slowly goes back, any possible career changes, to even if she felt safe doing what she does. Rosie had some hard questions and as the 30 minute talk was nearing its end, Mei hit her with a harsh question.

"Now for the last question of the day. I always wanted to ask, and I think the whole nation would love to know. How and why did you fall in love with the pro hero, the underground myth. Eraserhead?" Mei eyes were shut as she smiled at her slightly off. Rosie breath hitch as she looked at her softly.

Her proud smile slowly vanished, this bitch did not ask that.

Rosie felt a bit ticked, most people never ask as her family was already a touchy subject. But to ask why this man? Felt like a slap in the face, amd on live televised TV.

"Heh...Well why not him??"

"...Madam Gore. No offense but really a man like him? He is so rough looking, he seems so lazy, he doesn't seem like a match for you. I don't see the appeal. And the fact you have a family with this man too. I feel so sorry for you."

Rosie let out a sigh as she tried not to let her rage out. But knowing this shows producers they wanted to entice her, and knowing Mei personally, she was forced to do this. Thus making this hard on both.

"My husband may come off like that to the public eye. But how he treats me and our family away from it and in public is the same. He is the most caring, deep loving and the most considerate man I've ever known. Our family wouldn't be the same without him. I've loved him for so long..."

Rosie softly placed her hand over her chest as the feelings she has for Aizawa weld. She sighed a tad.

"I don't see my life without him. He makes me laugh, he loves me for me, he's my biggest rock and supporter. I wouldn't be the hero I am today if it wasn't for him holding hand along the way."

"Awweeee" the crowd went as Mei smiled and leaned back. Her bright eyes staring at her with tears.

"That was so perfect. I see why you love him so...Alright folks please give it up one last time for the most amazing Madam Gore!"

As they cheered the two hugged as they softly whispered.

"Im sorry..."

" Not your fault...."

Rosie waved bye as she exit off the stage. She sighed finally as she undid the mic and gave it to the producer.

"You all are twisted making her do that." Her voice was filled with venom as she left the production. Pushing her hair back as a security guard followed her out.

"Mrs. Madam counselor wanted me to inform you that you're free for the rest of the day."

"Good. I wasn't gonna do more bullshit today after that. She set it up right?"

"I cant deny or approve it."

"Fucker." Rosie left as her phone ranged, news blowing up about a hero mission against the Shie Hassaikai yakuza. And a couple text from Aizawa.

Rosie smiled seeing his name as she read, but stopped once he asked one question.

What if we were guardians over a child?

Rosie stared at it as she wonder. Could they? What happened on this mission? She needed more details before she could give an answer. Quickly she dialed his number as she held the phone to her ear.

"My love I don't have a lot of time."

"Where are you?"

"The hospital......could you come by?"

"I'm on it."

With that she knew where to find them, she hailed a taxi as she was taken where she was needed.

I'll be there soon....

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