Chapter 17

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I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I was completely under my blanket, even over my head so I couldn't see who it was.

They rubbed my shoulder for a moment before speaking, "Ava?" Poppy asked. "Would you like me to bring you some breakfast? Ominis told me it's waffles today?"

I didn't reply. Just stayed under the covers. I hoped she'd think I was asleep.

"I know you were up all night. I could hear you crying..." I didn't say anything. "I'll bring something by later. Also the professors have all been asking about you. You should maybe come to class again soon."

I felt her take her hand away and walk out of the room leaving me alone.

The twins had passed almost month ago. It was almost October. I bet the school was covered in pumpkins. But I hadn't really left my bed in that month so I wouldn't know.

Immediately following their death the school went into lock down for two weeks while the ministry investigated. My fathers on the run even though the ministry just wants to question him.

My mother held a funeral for the twins but forbade me or any of my friends from attending. She stated she didn't want murderers at the event.

Aurors came and asked me questions but I hadn't really said anything. And luckily for me they could tell by how bad I looked that I probably didn't want to talk anyways. 

I hadn't seen really anyone except Poppy, since she's my roommate, and professor Weasley and the the nurse to check on me every so often.

Poppy tells me that Sebastian try's and asks for permission to come in the Hufflepuff common room almost everyday, but so far each request has been denied. I was honestly shocked he hadn't found the way Andre had gotten in before.

I'm not sure where Marc even was. And even if I did I don't think he'd want to see me. I'm the reason his baby brother and sister died. Just like im the reason everyone in my life has either died or gotten hurt at some point.

Any time anyone tries to help me they end up hurt or gone.

As I laid in bed I heard an owl fly into the room and drop a handful of letters in my hand. I peaked out of the blanket at the stack of letters.

I sat uo and started going through all the letters. There was one from Natty and one from Garreth. Both just asking how I am.

Ominis sent two. One checking in me and another pleading with me to come out because Sebastian was becoming insufferable. That letter made me smile slightly.

Sebastian sent the bulk of them. Most of them were about mundane things like classes or telling me how missed me so much.  In one, he kept repeating through out the letter that it wasn't my fault. I couldn't get through that one because I know that isn't true.

When I finally got to the end of the letter one more dropped on my lap from the pile. It was a small red envelope. I opened it a little cautious but the letter inside was small and short.


I heard from Ominis all that happened and that you haven't been able to leave your bed. Why not get some fresh air and come visit a dying girl.


I looked at the letter for a moment before mentally agreeing. Also inside the letter was a small business card. It was a card for Saint Mungos and Anne had written

down her room number.

I got dressed quickly and snuck out of the school grounds before finding a way to London.

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