A New Beginning

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A/N : Hi everyone! I.....don't know what to say, but thanks for whoever comments, votes, or actually bothers to read this story. Now.......Enjoy!


Jack slowly opened his eyes but closed them again due to the bright lights. He was sure that this was not the orphanage. He opened his eyes once more only to have a blurry vision, it took a while for his eyes to adjust to the light. He could, however, smell something, like how hospitals smell. After his vision cleared up he was sure that he was in a hospital room. Still feeling exhausted, and like all of his energy is drained, he closed his eyes and tried to remember the last events that took place. Running away, the gun shots, his father, his arm, Emma-EMMA!

At this Jack's eyes flew open and immediately sit upright only to feel an unbearable pain in his right arm, making him fall back down again on the pillows while holding his arm. " Owww...." he muttered with a raspy voice. He looked at his arm only to find it bandaged in an arm sling.

"Jack! " He heard his sister's voice .He only got the chance to see her running towards him from the door before he was enveloped in a hug, taking him by surprise. After he recovered from the shock, he hugged her back with his good arm. He could hear her sniff while her shoulders were shaking. "Y-You were out f-for more t-than four h-hours." she sobbed, her voice muffled.

"Really?" he asked, still with a raspy voice while running his hand through her soft brown locks.

" Yes. Don't you ever do it again, you idiot, " she mumbled, giving him a light hit on his shoulder, but Jack just chuckled .

"I won't, can't promise though." This earned him another hit " Okay, I'll try." He could feel her smile. Then they broke apart and Emma gave him a bottle of water to drink like she read his thoughts. Jack quickly gulped down half of the it enjoying the tasteless taste it seemed to give.

"You better not do it again, Jack. It gave us quite the scare. " He heard a feminine voice, making him give an apologetic smile to it's owner.

"Sorry Ms.Duffy, we.....we needed help," he apologized.

"No. It's fine, Jack. After all, I was the one who told you to come to me if you ever needed help, and please call me Mildred, " she told him with a warm smile, earning a nod from the white haired teen. "Now could you please tell me how did you get shot? Emma refused to tell me anything but a few details," she continued and went to sit on the couch, Emma soon joining her.

"I told her to do that. When we went ice skating once I told her that if I didn't say anything about a certain event then she shouldn't either." He smiled, trying to change the subject.

"Jackson, don't change the subject," Mildred.

Jack rolled his eyes at his failed attempt. "We were chased by two men," he muttered.

"Where these two men that ones who shot you? " Mildred asked, receiving a stiff nod from the boy. "Do you know who they are?"

At this, Jack stopped. What would happen if he told her? Pitchiner surely won't let it slip that easily. He silently exhaled, this was all too much for him.

"Can I, can I speak to a policeman, please? " he asked.

"How did you know that there are policemen?" Mildred asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Gunshots, two kids coming at an orphanage about fifteen minutes later and one of them is shot. There has got to be policemen. " He stated causally. Mildred just nodded and got up to leave the room.

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