"Do you think we'll get out of here?"

You stayed quiet at his question. Sunlight hadn't touch your body in more than two weeks. You didn't think you'd miss Griffin's obnoxious Spanish singing. Or nearly tripping on Aizawa whenever he slept in the middle of the floor.

"The third night we were here," you started with a hoarse voice. "I listened for some type of exit. I smelled the air and that good stuff. When I smelled the air, there was just a lot of blood. Not ours though, the blood of dozens of dead people. I gave it a better examination two days ago. Same smell as us, same cuts, same injuries. They all died from the testing. People older than us, younger. Some were even stronger than we are. Dozens of people were taken here to be tested and died. Granted they specifically chose us due to our quirks."

"What's that s'posed to mean?" He asked confused.

"I overheard one of them talking the first night one of them raped me."

His eyes jolted wide as he sprung up. "One of them what?!"

"Hm? Oh yeah, you didn't hear that night they stitched Izuku's mouth. Happened the same day, been happening everyday since."

He looked away from the wall and let out an angered sigh. "Fuck. Jesus Christ."

"Anyway," you continued talking normally to Shoto's surprise. "the night it happened, one of the bastards was talking about why they chose us. Me you and Katsuki all have very resistant bodies, you with your fire and ice. Me because of Heracles, Katsuki because of the nitroglycerin in his body."

"Why Midoriya then?" He asked. "He's a late bloomer."

"I worry about him the most. There's nothing special about him. They took Midoriya due to a deal they made with his father."

Shoto scoffed moving the braids of his hair out of his face. "His father made a deal with the devil?"

"Yeah more or less. I guess part of the deal was that they left his son alone. Seems like he didn't keep up his end. So I dunno. Maybe we'll escape, maybe we'll be saved. Or we'll just die." You said with a sigh as you heard footsteps approach.

The door of both your room and Shoto's opened with three men in each doorway.

"We're moving you kids to a new room your friends are already there." A scientist said as the gaurds walked forward and carried you.

"Great, I've been meaning to put in a complaint with the shitty conditions." Shoto remarked with a smirk as you laughed.

"You all have been very smiley recently." the other said as the two of you were brought out. "You wouldn't be planning anything would you? Perhaps another escape attempt."

"Oh no, of course not," you said with a fake smile. "we absolutely love it here. You know what? How bout for the next test you cut off my leg? Hm?"

The man chuckled softly. "Very funny young lady, but your comical remarks won't do anything for you. Now let's go."

He walked away with all of you following. They brought you to an elevator that rose up. Soon you arrived to a different floor. Then something happened suddenly your vision flashed to a brightly lit hall. You looked confused before glancing at Shoto who had a similar face.

They dragged you out and approached a new entrance. A door similar to that of a bank vault. A scientist placed his hand on a screen as it examined his palm. The gears turned and opened to Izuku sleeping on the ground and Katsuki sat in the same corner. You were thrown inside and winced violently at the pain your leg.

Katsuki and Shoto stared at you concern at your pain.

"Gah! Shit!" You yelled out as the door closed.

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