chapter 21: form this valley

Start from the beginning

" no its ok, I'll get it.... Its Adalind" he said as got up to get the door after giving her a kiss on top of her head, he looked through the little window above their door to see the tiny blonde that had costed them so much pain in their lives

"wait what? why would she be here? oh no, do you think she knows what we did?" Mia said as she got up from the couch in a panic as she threw the blanket behind her on the couch as she began to wonder how she could have worked out what they had done, she hoped that they would be able to reason with Adalind but she doubted it would work

" I need your help, can I come in? Sean gave her away" she asked teary eyed, Mia could tell that she had probably spent the whole day crying about how Renard had given their baby away to Victor, although it was better that she didn't know the truth about who had her baby and what they were going to do with her

"what are you talking about?" Nick said as he gave Mia a look to tell her to pretend that she didn't know what had happened with baby Diana, he figured that it was better to keep up the ruse and pretend they knew nothing so that they could keep it all a secret

"he gave my baby to Victor and I need your help to get her back" she said trying her hardest not to cry again, she still couldn't believe that her baby's father had been able to give his own little baby girl away to someone who wanted to use. After everything they had done to keep Victor away from Diana and he had just handed her over to him

"Adalind why don't you come and sit down? I can make you some coffee or tea or make you something to eat if you want?" Mia said as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ears, she wanted nothing more than try and make things a little better for her by doing such a small thing for her

" no I can't stay, I have to get my baby back. Nick you got get you mom out of jail, I know she killed my mom and I don't care even though it was kinda my fault but I just really need to get my baby back" she said knowing that she was rambling a little as she tried to stress how important it was that Diana stayed with her and not with Victor, she knew that she had a lot of bad things in her life but none of that mattered now that she had her

"they released them this morning, there wasn't enough evidence to hold her" Nick said trying to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why his mom wasn't there anymore, despite the fact that she was actually released the night before and was probably long gone by now

"is she here? I have to talk to her" she said looking around the room before heading towards the kitchen as she thought that maybe Kelly was hiding another room thinking she might kill her for what she did to her mom, she knew that she was the one person that could help her

" she's not here, she left already" Mia said stopping her in her tracks as she turned back towards them, she knew that she would eventually have to join in with the lies since she had been part of the whole plan to get Diana from Victor and that it her voice that he would probably recognise if they ever met again

"yeah she left right after they let her go, she didn't want to stick around after everything that had happened" he said knowing that it sounded believable to anyone who didnt know his mom who would be more likely to kill Adalind before she got the chance to kill her

"then you have to get her back, she'll help me" she said wanting him to just say yes and help her like he had helped so many wesen people before, she also knew that she had so many things to hurt him like putting his partner into a deep sleep and putting Juliette into a coma which caused her to forget Nick

"Adalind, there's one thing that you have to understand about my mother once she leaves...she doesn't come back" he said knowing that it was true despite the many stories his mom had told him about always keep an eye on him and that she had asked Marie for daily reports on how he was doing

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