chapter 17: disarm

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Hey guys so here is another chapter featuring Alexander and this time I tried to show that Mia can't switch the council side of her off so hopefully that worked. Like also please follow/favourite/review or pm me 

chapter 17: disarm

After Nick and Hank's recent case that involved an old friend of Wu and aswang which turned out to be her mother in law after her baby in order to keep her slightly younger and alive, Wu had checked himself into a mental faculty after seeing the aswang. This is why the gang had decided to come together and have breakfast together so that they could discuss what to about Wu since he had seen a wesen but wasn't taking it to well as no one had told him what it was he had seen exactly, they had all come to Nick and Mia's place. Mia had spent the morning making baked goods for everyone so that they could have something nice and fresh to eat with their coffee, whenever she was stressed or worried about something she knew that there was nothing she really do to help she tended to bake a lot. She wore a teal lace crop blouse, a striped skater skirt and yellow suede pumps. She wore a fishtail braid beginning at the side of her head leading into a complicated braided bun that was held together with pins including feather hair clips, she wore a different colours of brown eyes shadow with eyeliner and natural looking pink lips. She walked into the dining room with a tray filled with cups of coffee of everyone, she placed a cup in front of each person before sitting back down next to Nick 

"What are we going to do about Wu?" Hank asked knowing that they had to do something about the fact their friend was in a mental faculty because they haven't yet explained to him what he had seen when he went into his friend's bedroom to find her being attacked by a wesen 

"You seen how he was, even if we did tell him he wouldn't believe us. He is not ready for all of this" Nick said picking up his coffee cup to take a sip out of it, loving the fact that he had been the only one that Mia had fully made since she knew how he took his coffee exactly 

"All I know is, after I faced my first beast..."  Hank said trying to explain how he felt when he first found out about wesen when he caused the wesen in the room to give them a look as if to say 'really' and were slightly offend by his comment

" Whoa, Hank..." Whoa, Hank.We're right here and you know that the wesen in the room outnumber everyone else right" Monroe said gesturing to the three of them around the table since three our of five of them were wesen, Mia had an amused expression on her face as she looked between Hank and Monroe 

" Sorry, My first Wesen." he said correcting himself as not wanting to offend anyone around the table that he now considered a friend, he thought about this compared to before he knew about wesen 

" Although some Wesen can be more bestial than others. I mean it depends on the person and their personality but yeah we're not all like that." Mia said knowing that she had  a few wesen in her life time that would prefect the description of being a beast, where they allowed their animal side to take over 

" You saw how messed up I was, put a few bullet holes in the closet and I couldn't sleep without my shotgun but once Nick and Monroe explained things it took a bit of getting used to. And now here I am" Hank said knowing that finding out that everything you once believed was all myth was in fact real and very much out there took time to get your head around

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