Chapter 15: i had me a girl

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hey guys so I was considering deleting this chapter but I was almost finished it due to the fact that I wasn't sure it added anything then I figured why not so hopefully you learn more about Mia and see her in a different light. Thanks so much for your reviews/pms/follows/ favouriting and please keep it coming. Let me know what you think and don't forget to check out Mia's outfits via the link on my profile ( feel free to leave a comment or to follow mw on polyvore)

chapter 15: I had me a girl

Due to it being too cold for Mia to go swimming without freezing to death so it meant that her and Nick went on daily runs together in the morning before either or went to work. It was also a way of them spending more together on days where they might not see each other like if he had hard case that would lead to late nights and she was already in bed by time he came home or if she stayed up late because couldn't sleep. Mia wore grey three quarter length sweat pants, a white sport bra, a blue stripe henley tank, a light blue hoodie and a pair of white running shoes. She twisted the front of her hair into a quiff then placed the rest of it into high ponytail, since she was going to be running and getting sweaty she decided no to wear any make up. Although she still wore her necklace with the wolf on it that Nick had given to her for christmas, she hadn't taken it off since he had placed it around her neck. They had decided to run along the path, however soon a simple easy run had turned into a race between them. Then the race had turned into a bet where if Nick won she would need to cook dinner and pick the movie they watched that night but if she won then he would attempt to cook and she would pick whatever bad movie she wanted to without his objects. Nick was beginning to catch up with her when she came to sudden stop and pulled out her phone which had began to ring signalling that someone was calling her, she took out her earphones and pressed the answer button.

" hey Holls....Woah Holly calm down and start from the beginning, what did James do?..... What? Oh my god, are you okay?" she said as her friend from college began to tell her the recent in her life through the phone while Nick caught her up and could immediately tell that something was wrong

" hey what's going on?" he asked as he gently touched her arm to get her attention since he could tell that she was begin to panic, he had only caught the end of her previous sentence

"its Holly, my old college roommate.... umm apparently her boyfriend James and her got into a really bad argument so he hit her...she's freaking out and I don't.." she said beginning to let her emotions get the better of her as reality began to set in, she could handle an attack from wesen or anything bizarre that came her way but this was all too real for her

"ok you need to keep calm for her sake, tell her to come stay with us and that she can't talk to him because he can't know where she is. We can ask her about me getting involved as a cop when she gets here ok?" he says automatically stepping into detective mode as he worked his way through the list of safety procedures that she had to take in order for her to keep safe

" Holls I'm going to send you my address, you're going to stay with me and Nick for a while ok? He's a detective, he can protect you but listen you can't talk to James or have anything to do him got it?....Ok I'll see you soon, just get on the plane!" she said recounting the conversation that she had just had with Nick before ending the call with her friend then began to type in her address to send to Holly

"I'm guessing she's on her way, how did she seem?" he asked wondering if she was going crumble and run back to the guy that had beaten her up in the heat of argument

"she was upset and shaken up but she won't go back to him. Nick...thanks for letting her stay for us, I really means a lot to me" she said slipping her hand into his as she felt her heart grow that little bit more, she loved that he didn't even think twice before offering to help her friend

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