Chapte 13: same old same old

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chapter 13: same old same old

It had one long confusing week since Alexander came to Portland on a mission to kill a boy who was infected with the recently discovered Grausen disease, however when he returned to the council and told De Groot of his findings he began to set certain things into motion. Such as De Groot sending an email to Mia requesting her presence at the council as soon as possible to discuss the things that Alexander had seen while he was in Portland. Despite Nick's pleas for her not to go Mia had began to pack her suitcase so that she could leave the next day, she knew that if she didn't go to them when they requested then it would only be a matter of time before they came to her and Nick. Mia wanted more than anything to keep Nick as far away from the council as much as humanly possible since she knew that getting involved with them led nowhere good, especially for a Grimm with a reputation like Nick's. Although Nick put a spanner into the works when he decided to tell Monroe about her plans to go to the council which lead to a four hour discussion of the pros and cons of her going and in the end they decided that it was better to face whatever their next move was sooner rather than later. Mia decided to wear a striped t-shirt with a pair of red lips on it, jeans, a hooded leather biker jacket and a pair of biker boots. She simply pulled the front two sides of her hair up and tied them loosely at the back, she wore light smoky make up and light red lip gloss. She was packing the last of things away in the bedroom while Nick sat on the bed watching and praying that she would turn at round to him at any moment to tell him that the trip was off

" you know you could help me rather just sitting there and silently judging me" she said with the faint traces of a smile as she went into the bathroom to grab her toiletry bag and her make up bag to put in her suitcase

" I'm just worried and honestly can you blame me? I mean one minute Monroe is telling me that they plan to kill you and next they are invite you over dinner, you don't think that seems like it might be a set up" he said as he got up and zipped up her suitcase for her while she began to pack her carry on, her flight wasn't for another four hours

" yeah it is a possibility but my alternative is for them to come here and trust me no one wants that, it's better if I go to them and at least pretend I'm willing to their play game and by their rules. I mean its what I used to do best" she said knowing that the rules of being a guest or agent in the council were forever burned into her brain, it had an old fashioned view on things

" what if you're a little rusty after 13 years of being free of them? I mean have you ever considered that maybe thats what they want and you're just playing right into their hands?" he said trying to reason with her once more while she began to put her phone, tickets, iPod, earphones and her passport into her carry on bag

"yeah but I know what they want, they want me back there being an agent with Alexander so that one day when the current council members retire we can takeover, its what they wanted 13 years ago" she said leaving her bag on the bed before sitting on the window bay chair and gestured for him to sit with her, he sat down and gestured for her to cuddle into him

" and that doesn't scare you?" he asked knowing that it defiantly terrified him enough that he was considering asked Renard on his advice and possibly his help in avoiding her going to them

" not really, I mean I survived once right?........ tell me whats really worrying you?" she asked twisting around in his arms so that she could see his face, she knew that he was a good liar but when it came to her his eyes always seemed to betray him by showing every emotion he was feeling

" I'm worried that you're not going to come home? and then what am I meant to do? just pretend like none of this happened, like you never happened?" he asked gently combed her hair through his fingers as she moved closer to him and pulled him for gentle kiss that soon turned into a full on make out session

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