the party virgins

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When we got to Kayla's house, my anxiety had already spiked. I stood outside the door with Ben and Mandy, fidgeting with my hands and focusing on my breathing.

Going out with just Ben and Mandy was completely different than going to a high school party. I was nervous about peer pressure, and the alcohol...

I was scared that Ben would leave me all alone, and that I would have to talk to other people.

"You okay, Ben?" Mandy asked him, as he shook his arms.

I hadn't noticed his sudden nervousness, and something tugged my heartstrings. Sometimes, Ben had been just like me—I was just glad that we could help each other.

"Yeah." he said. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Cause I spent the last four years wishing I could be like these people but never actually putting myself out there, fear of being rejected. Totally fine..let's just," his voice strained. "Let's just do it,"

"Guys, I really don't think this is my scene," I said, shakily. "Can't we try something else? I..."

"Hey, it'll be fine," Mandy assured me. "We're here with you, okay?"

"Okay," I sighed. "Okay, let's go,"

Mandy rang the doorbell, and the doors swung open, revealing...everyone.

"Who invited the party virgins?" someone hollered, making me hide behind Ben. Everyone laughed, as I latched onto his arm, his fingers linking with the ones on my free hand.

He glanced down at me, and squeezed my hand three times.

"I regret everything," Ben said.

"It's okay," Mandy chirped. "We can do this. We just need to find Graham Lansing. I'll take here and upstairs, and you two take the basement and the backyard. Text me if you see him, okay?"

"Noticeable pit stains yet?" he asked the two of us, lifting one of his arms.

"You're good," Mandy and I said, together. They double-tapped it, and Ben pulled me with him, our hands still linked.

"Basement first," I said, and we walked down the crowded steps. "Please, stay close," I begged him.

"I'd never leave you, you know that," he said, softly. "Breathe, Jasmine,"

"Okay," I breathed, slowly. "You too," I told him, "You look like you've seen a ghost,"

"I honestly never thought I'd be this nervous to attend a party," he chuckled. I smiled up at him.

"I got you," I whispered to him, "We can be nervous together," he brushed his thumb against my hand, affectionately.

Ben and I continued down the steps, and he wiped the sweat from his eye when he spotted LaToya.

Shit. I should've known she'd be here.

She was talking about leading the garden build tomorrow for the cheerleaders, but everyone was too hammered to be expected to show up tomorrow.

Ben and I had somehow gotten closer. He was leaning up again a pillar, and I was still latched onto him. He softly shoved me away as he spoke, "Yeah. They need to bring a hammer, now show up hammered, right?"

My heart stopped as he got closer to LaToya, and left me behind him like a piece of trash. I shook it off, but frowned, slightly, watching the interaction. I didn't care that he was talking to her—I just didn't know why he pushed me away.

Was he embarrassed of me? Everyone knew we were best friends. Nothing more, even if I wanted to be.

The group laughed awkwardly at Ben's joke, but LaToya flashed a real smile. I stepped back, more, and craned my neck looking for Graham. When I didn't spot him, and turned my attention back to Ben, he was collecting empty cups.

YOU BELONG WITH ME , Ben PlunkettDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora