latoya reynolds

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When I walked into the Olive Garden, after finally convincing my parents to let me off the hook, I watched worriedly as my best friend paced back and forth in the small waiting area.

Did he not think I was coming? Didn't he know that I would never miss his birthday?

"Happy birthday, Ben!" I smiled wide, as I handed my best friend his gift, hoping to get him out of his nervous habit. Ben looked surprised to see me, though, and so I laughed awkwardly. "Don't look too excited to see me," I joked. Ben gulped, and looked behind me. "Were you expecting someone else?" I asked, pulling my eyebrows together in confusion. "I told you I'd be here,"

"It's just—you're answer wasn't definite..and you were mad—" Ben scratched the back of his neck.

"I just assumed you'd know I'd never miss your birthday," I told him. Ben chuckled, awkwardly, staring at the door behind me.

"LaToya Reynolds!" he shouted, making me jump, as well as LaToya who walked in.

"Oh," I mumbled. Why didn't anyone tell me LaToya was Ben's date for tonight?

Now, there I stood—looking 'absolutely breathtaking' according to Mandy—and Ben's focus was on LaToya, like it always had been.

Ben ran up to her, and she let out a breathy laugh. "Ah, Ben you have got to start saying my name at a normal volume," she smiled.

"Sorry," Ben stammered. "Y-You're here," he said.

"Well, yeah. You invited me," she shrugged. He did?

"I know, but then you came, so..." he said, looking at her with wide eyes. He played with his fingers nervously, and I wanted so badly to take his hands in my hands, and calm him down—just like he always did for me.

Feeling out of place, I mustered up an excuse. "I-I'm not feeling well—I'm sorry, Ben, but I think I'm gonna just-"

"No! Hey, you don't have to—," Ben ushered me over.

"Ben," I gave him a look, "it's fine,"

He sighed. "Well, thank you, for coming. And thank you, for this," he shook the small bag in his hand. I nodded, with a small smile. "Do you need a ride home?" he asked, worriedly.

"No," I shook my head, and he frowned. "Seriously, Ben. Go. Have fun," I said, softly, meaning it, but wishing it was me that he'd be spending his birthday with.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asked. Somehow, as I looked into his eyes, I knew he would have dropped everything right now if I had said 'no.'

To be honest, I thought about it—just so that we could spend his birthday together. But he looked so happy with LaToya.

"Should we go get a table?" she asked Ben, and he looked back at me one more time, before I sent him a small nod, making my way out of the restaurant.


Mandy answered on the second ring.

"Hey, what's up? I'm about to leave with Graham," she said. "I don't think I'm going
to bring my phone—"

"Why didn't you tell me LaToya Reynolds was coming to Ben's birthday dinner?" I sniffled, and heard Mandy gasp on the other end.

"I completely forgot! I'm so sorry—it was last minute. I told Ben I couldn't go, and your attendance was also up in the air, so I panicked, because I felt bad, and I told him to ask her—"

"You told Ben to ask LaToya?" my voice cracked, and my heart shattered as I heard her sigh.

"He really likes her, Jaz," she said,

"And I really like him, Mandy," I told her, honestly.

"Jasmine, I know. I'm so sorry,"

"Well, I left." I sniffled, "I guess I'll just chill out here until they're done."

"No, it's freezing outside...where are—"

"I'll be okay. Have fun tonight,"

I hung the phone up, angrily. Tears were now streaming down my face, and I felt my chest tighten.

That was when I remembered the note I had slipped into Ben's birthday gift. It was my valedictorian speech..which I'd dedicated to him—like I'd said all of my books were.

I picked up my phone a few moments later, and thought about calling him.

'He really likes her, Jaz,'

And I just needed to accept that. I slipped my phone back into my bag.


Angelina Speaks:

Well, I'm sad.

YOU BELONG WITH ME , Ben PlunkettOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant