"Well maybe you could make it up to him for making it so difficult on him before you started dating?"

Wednesday's cheeks hurt just from the memory,  she rubbed her cheeks as if she actually considered letting him pinch it more than he usually does.

Enid rolled her eyes. "Not that, got it." she thought for a few more seconds. "I got nothing, honestly. Maybe he's not even sad or tired, he might just be lazy right now. Cats are like that sometimes."

Wednesday looked around as she thought.

"Your help has been satisfactory, you can go back to sleep."

Before Enid could respond, she started to wander the halls. Thing clattered behind her and jumped to her shoulder.

The hand started to sign again, this time using words instead of letters.



Wednesday huffed a no and continued on.




Her cheeks were suddenly a bit rosy. "I enjoy it sometimes, yes, but it's time I don't have much of now that school has started again. The oaf will probably keep me in bed all day."

Wednesday looked at Thing, noticing the stitches on her companion...  Wait, a companion, perhaps that's what (Y/N) needs?

She remembered how his room used to be so simple when they first met, yet always had a few stuffed animals on the shelves or on the bed.

The memory of his room sparked an idea in her mind. She remembered seeing a teddy bear on his bed the first time she entered his dorm, and how she may or may not have blown it and a few of his other stuffed animals into smithereens when she got a bit jealous. If he hadn't confronted her, she would've gone further than that.

She knew she'll need something to make the new bear out of, and she determined the most efficient way to do this, was with some good old fashioned, revenge. She held Thing up with her hand and spoke, "Be a doll and find me Courtney's favorite sweater."

Over the next few days, she spent her free time making the teddy bear, using the cloth from Courtney's favorite sweater and whatever thread she could find. She was exhausted, barely managing to get through classes without thoughts of murder anymore.

Days past, and Enid tried to help her, but she wanted the gesture to be special. and after a few more days past and those days turned into a 2 weeks, she was exhausted, but it was finished. She picked up the plump, raggedy bear, shoddy black stitches ran up and down the entire thing, its mismatched button eyes gave it a quizzical expression, a red heart logo from Courtney's sweater coincidentally going over where its heart would be.

"That's adorable! In an oddly creepy way, but still!" Wednesday jumped and threw it in the direction of the voice. Enid had appeared out of nowhere and gotten hit on the face with the doll.


"You knew better."

"Okay, sorry. Is that what you were making these past few weeks?"

"Wasn't it obvious?"

"Welllll...." Enid went to her side of the room and held the bear up to the window "It looked more like you were dissecting a squirrel with a kitchen knife when you were making this, love the cloth by the way, where'd you get it?"

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