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It had been a few days since the first Dark Arts lesson, the reality of their new life at Hogwarts well and truly having set in. The first years looked constantly terrified, walking through the castle corridors with their eyes cast downwards and their bodies trembling as they clutched their books to their chests. They didn't know the joy and wonder of exploring the grounds and learning new magic safely with their friends like the students before them had.

During a free period, Ariana sat in one of the courtyards with Lavender Brown, talking quietly with their Potions textbooks in front of them. The skies were clear, so there were several other students scattered about also.

Just as they were soaking up the small amount of warmth the sun was allowing them, a shadow was cast over them. Both girls looked up to see a now familiar Death Eater, Travers, standing above them.

"Why aren't you in class?" He asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Free period for study." Lavender replied, her voice small. Ariana nodded beside her.

Travers' eyes narrowed, his gaze lingering on the two of them for an uncomfortably long time. "You, blondie." He snapped his fingers and pointed to Lavender. "I wouldn't spend too much time around this one." He gestured towards Ariana. "The Commission will be coming for her soon. Surely you don't want to look like a blood traitor, right?"

Lavender pressed her lips into a thin line, her face reddening with anger. "I'd rather be a blood traitor than a blood purist."

Ariana's stomach dropped at her friend's response. She was suddenly filled with both pride and fear. She watched as Travers' face changed from amused to enraged, his mouth twisting in anger. He grabbed Lavender by the back her her head, his hand gripping her hair tightly. She let out a cry and Ariana jumped up, attempting to wrench his arms off of her.

"Fuck off!" He spat out, pushing Ariana off of him. "Listen, girl. You best watch yourself. Blood traitors are no better than half-bloods and mudbloods." Letting go of Lavender, he turned to Ariana, his wand pointed at her chest. "As for you-"

"Fucking hell, Travers. Is this seriously what your job is?"

All of their heads turned to face Draco, who stood nearby, flanked by Theo and Goyle, all three of them dressed in suits instead of their school uniforms. Ariana felt all the oxygen leave her body at the sight of him. He stood there, his hands on his pockets, a bored expression on his face. His clothes and hair were immaculate, and he looked a healthy weight again. It took everything in her not to run to him.

"Mind your business, Malfoy." Travers spat out, his wand still trained on Ariana.

"I just find it curious that your job was to find Potter, which you couldn't do. So now you're working with the Registration Commission and instead you're out here trying to prove to two girls how big your cock is. I don't think they believe you either, by the looks of it." Draco continued, not phased by Travers' order. Ariana was well aware that he had not glanced at her even once.

Travers turned away from her and focused his attention on Draco, somehow even angrier than before. "You think you're special or something, boy? You think because your daddy is at home with the Dark Lord you can talk to me however you like?"

Draco gave him a sarcastic smirk and nodded. "I do, actually."

Travers eventually stepped back from Draco, shaking his head and tutting. "You better watch yourself." He gestured towards Ariana and Lavender. "So, Head Boy, what are you gonna do with them, then?"

Draco scoffed, his lip curling. "What would I want with a blood traitor and a filthy half-blood?"

Ariana's blood ran cold at his words. He hadn't even looked at her, which had somehow hurt even more. He spoke of her with complete disgust, not even able to bring himself to glance at her for a moment. She watched as Goyle smirked beside him, and Theo remained expressionless.

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