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'But where do you go?' John asked.

'Sherlock stopped, 'Yes, where do we go?'

'That place in Kent obviously.' Darlence said, 'He's highly unlikely to be there though.'

'Old methods; brother mine- The good old methods. Start from scratch. Its a county after all, there are so many things we can find there and easily. Plus Sherrinford has been too near society- so he's got a more human touch than any of us (though mind you, he is as creepy- if not more- as Mycroft). He's sure to leave some tracks. Dr. Watson? Can I take your laptop.'

Dr.Watson shrugged, 'None of you use your own anyway.'

Darlence smiled cheekily and opened the laptop. "Adelaide Bursnell" in the search browser yielded no result, except the picture of the lady herself.

'Damn her!' said Darlence slamming the laptop shut. John rushed to the aid of his laptop and said a few words of disapproval to Darlence; who sat quietly least interested in the doctor's outburst and making a rather funny lost face. Sherlock snatched the laptop, 'Adelaide Bursnell? I'm afraid, you won't find her address if you use that name.'

Darlence was interested at once , 'It had occurred to me that she was a medical practitioner by her appearance. What- pray- is her alias?'

'I don't think I quite said that.'

'I know very well that isn't what you said- but that is what you meant. She is a doctor, she must have patients; so she must, MUST have her address put up somewhere, under a very different name.'

'The name is Elisabeth Williams.'

'Oh bugger!' said Darlence crestfallen, 'There are sure to be thousands of Elizabeth Williamses.'

'There are a lot of Elizabeth Williamses with a "z", but there are few with an "s". But- Oh- I don't know what she looks like'

'I know what she looks like.'

'You've met her?'


'And you are still in one piece?'

'I've also met Warren Rivers for that matter. And Tobias Cunningham is a frightful lot worse than Miss. Bursnell.'

She flopped down with the laptop and started a fusillade of typing.She snorted angrily once a while, clicked her tongue several times and scratched her chin thoughtfully a lot.

'Mycroft, please do me a favour.' she said finally, not looking around at him.


'Ring this number up, and fix an appointment for your niece with Dr. Williams tomorrow.'


'Please.' Darlence could look very compelling when she wanted to have something done.

'Do it yourself.' said Mycroft turning his face away.

'Please Mycroft.' she looked more three-year old-ish by the second.

'I've already had my say.'

Darlence simply did another lost face, and Mycroft swore he saw a little Sherlock in the face. Stifling the urge to smile; he snapped, 'Fine, but its the last time I'll help you.'

'Thank you, you are brick.'

'I don't think I'm anything to do with a brick'

Tut-tut. Did not read Blyton- had no childhood.'

'If you are going to be smart; I'll take back my word.'

'I'm a perfect saint now.' Darlence said shutting up.

Mycroft scowled and took the phone Sherlock gave him. Then he waited for a few moments.

'Hello?' he asked in his politest tones. and the siblings listened eagerly to the one way conversation.

'Madam, can I fix an appointment with Dr.Williams tomorrow?-Yes, its absolutely necessary I do-my niece is not at all well- My niece's name; you ask?' Mycroft looked at Darlence and raised his eyebrows urgently.

'Anne Evenson.' said Darlence at once. [(A/N): Remember this name dear readers, because it is going to have an important role later on.]

Mycroft looked at her strangely for some time as he answered the lady, 'Anne-Anne Evenson.' he realised he was holding his breath, 'Thank you madam, thank you.'

He quickly hung up and sighed,'Never make me do that again.'

'Thank you, Mycroft. Though I prescribe you a day out of work; you know? Ummm.... Amusement parks, fairs or circuses. Will do you much good. Now.... lets go to Kent.'

'What's the house's name?' Sherlock asked.

'Heathen Oak.'

'Sounds like someone's name.'

'Rather. Are you coming along, doctor? Mycroft of course prefers to stay and look after his work.'

'And eat cake.' said Sherlock.

'And eat a lot of cake, and swing his umbrella about. Perhaps do some pole vaults with it too.' Darlence added.

Mycroft simply smacked the back of her head hard, as she laughed at the imaginary vision of Mycroft Holmes doing pole vaults with the umbrella. Then she suddenly stopped and looked deathly pale and grave, John thought she was going to have a fit.

'Let go now, if we go.' said Darlence, 'The sooner the better. No use sitting up now. And well, it would be better if we have a direct route. I mean trains can be so annoying about their times. If now we had a more reliable means..... I mean-.'

'It can be arranged.' said Mycroft.


'My dear little sister. I have some influence on certain things and certain people.'

'I go back to my previous opinion; Mycroft- you are a BRICK.'

The Holmes brood- A Sherlock's sister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now