Chapter 22: Home? What's Home Anymore?

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Luz struggled to collect herself as King sat beside her on the floor. It was too late now, Luz had to go through the rest of her mission. Luz wiped her tears away, sniffling. She wrapped the witches wool cloak around her shoulders, picking up her staff and using it to help herself up. King stood up beside her, a worried look in his eyes.

"Luz...? Wha-what happened?" King asked tugging on her cape. She looked down at him, contemplating, there was no point in hiding now. Luz took a deep breath and sighed slowly before replying. "Eda was captured trying to rescue me from Lilith." She explained, her face morphed into a neutral expression, closing her eyes for a moment to collect herself again.

"Well... we can just go save her then!" King replied optimistically. "You don't get it King." Luz replied in a harsh tone, King looked up at her in confusion. "I've been lying to you all this whole time, I work for the Emperor." Luz continued. Maybe if Luz was harsh and cold enough it would hurt less to abandon them.

Luz headed to the door, stopping in the door frame and turning her head to look at King. He stood still with wide eyes piercing into her very soul. She turned her head away and looked outside. "I betrayed the Owl Lady so that I could get her portal key and give it to the Emperor."

She pulled her cloak from her bag and wrapped it over her purple cape, hiding it from sight. "And now that mission is almost complete." She finished, donning her mask and pulling the hood up. She took a couple of steps outside before King ran up to her and tugged her cloak. "But what about everything we've done together? Azura? The lessons? Did... did that mean nothing to you?" King's voice broke as he looked up at Luz's now covered face.

"Were you pretending this whole time..?" Tears gathered in his eyes as his grip tightened on her cloak. Tears pricked in Luz's eyes but there was nothing she could do to comfort him now, they were enemies, they always were.

She ripped her cloak away from him, the force making him fall on the ground. King looked up at her as Luz mounted her staff. "I'm the Amber Guard. I do my mission then leave. Nothing more, nothing less." She replied coldly, and with that she took off into the sky. Leaving King alone in front of the Owl House.

It was better this way, Luz reasoned with herself. It was better to leave him behind, broken, than to have him chase after her and get himself captured like Eda. Her grip tightened on her staff as she flew over the forest, the sun slowly rising over the horizon. The third and final day of her mission.

Soon, she landed back on the bridge. Heading into the Castle, scouts moved out of her way as she moved down the halls to the throne room. She stopped in front of the throne doors sometime later, Luz hesitated before pushing the doors open and heading inside.

Inside the room was only Lilith and the Owl Beast. Lilith had sealed the Owl Beast in a blue bubble. Lilith looked over at her when she entered. "Ah, I see you've kept your promise." Lilith said as Luz walked over to her. "I told you I would be here before the Emperor showed up." Luz replied.

A few minutes of silence passed before the doors opened again. Scouts coming in and lining up on either side of the doors and saluting. Kikimora followed them into the room next. "All kneel before Emperor Belos!" She said, bowing and stepping aside revealing the Emperor himself.

Lilith and Luz both kneeled as he entered the throne room. The Owl Beast broke free from Lilith's bubble, screeching and lunging at Belos. "Eda, no!" Lilith called after her sister.

Belos vanished before the Owl Beast could attack him, appearing behind her and throwing her against a wall by lifting his finger. The Owl Beast fell to the ground, glowing red ropes appearing to keep her down.

Luz stood up from her kneeling position as Lilith ran inbetween Eda and the Emperor. "My Lord, I apologize for my sister's rash behavior. She is still in her cursed form. Once you've healed her, as promised, I am sure she will become a useful asset to the coven!"

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