Chapter 12: Right?

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It's been another week since Luz started her mission. A total of two weeks and five days... give or take, but Luz has been getting a little too comfortable with her new routine. And a little too attached to the other inhabitants of the Owl House.

Currently, Luz was listening to King teach about different types of demons. They were in the living room, a large bulletin board leaning against the front of the couch. Luz was sitting on the floor, tuning him out and humming and nodding along.

The past week had been less eventful than the first, with Eda's Potion lessons twice a week, her curse acting up in the middle of the night, that one night the backyard caught on fire and a drunk on apple blood Eda thought to put it out with coffee... and the attempt at getting the key one night, so yeah not as eventful.

Monday's potion lesson went fine, Eda taught Luz more basics on the different ingredients. Even if Luz already knew due to the Emperor's Coven training she took. Friday's lesson was a bit different, Eda told Luz to experiment with the ingredients she had been taught so far and that she would return in an hour.

Luz was never aloud to experiment or even be left alone with potion ingredients. She was always told to follow the books and recipies. It was strange not having a recipe to follow and only a book of ingredients and their uses. At first she tried making an explosive, since it was a recipe she remembered easily. However with her limited ingredients she was aloud to use, it became difficult.

She substituted the ingredients she didn't have and made sure to write everything that she did down. When Eda came back she held a leather-like belt that held ten empty potion bottles and a sheath for a small bladed weapon. "Thought I'd get you a little something, it's even got a sheath for that dagger you carry around."

Luz had taken it and examined it carefully, half expecting it to be some kind of trap. It had small unfinished light glyphs etched into the leather, so that she wouldn't accidentally activate them she assumed. "Is this custom made?" She asked, looking up at the Owl Lady. "Pfff- no, what made you think that?" Eda crossed her arms and looked away, trying to seem uncaring, but Luz could see the small smile on her face.

Luz smiled as well and looked down at the gift, her smile fading. "But... why?" Eda looked at her apprentice at that and was silent for a moment. "Well, you've been helping me with delivering Potions and I don't want a repeat of your first delivery. Plus, I haven't found anything on glyphs yet sooo..." she trailed off, shrugging.

"Anyways, let's see what you've made here." Eda picked up the list Luz had written for her potion and looked it over. They then filled up some of the bottles on Luz's new belt and went out to test them on some poor creature. The potion ended up paralyzing the target for one minute, before the target was able to move again. Which Eda said was impressive for her first experimental Potion.

Now though the belt was upstairs in Luz's room on the nightstand, all ten Potion bottles full of the Paralyzing Mixture and the dagger sheathed. "Luz, are you even listening?" Luz blinked and looked over at King, who was standing in front of the bulletin board with his arms crossed. "Sorry I must've spaced out, I'll pay attention." King narrowed his eyes at her for a moment before nodding and turning back to the board again. It didn't take long for Luz to space out again.

Luz wasn't even sure how the backyard caught on fire last Wednesday night. Her and King were playing one of his campaigns in the backyard, Eda was outside with them reading a book and drinking Apple Blood. The grass had caught on fire suddenly and Luz had to grab King before they succumbed to the flames.

Eda had been inside getting more Apple Blood, when they rushed inside telling her what happened. She then somehow got a pitcher of coffee and made her way outside and put out the fire, spilling the coffee everywhere in the process. It was later revealed that somehow Hooty had accidentally made the fire.

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