"Fine, just for you bro," he said as he picked up an empty beer can and threw at the sleeping Rachael who immediately woke up. He beckoned for her to approach him and as she did he commanded her to shift.

He seen her shift form countless times but the process never failed to amaze him. He watched as her snout slowly began to shrink back until it slowly resembled a face. Her hind legs always changed next, her paws would lengthen, until they resembled feet. She would stand tall as her legs took shape and howl loudly into the air. Her fur would simply disappear and when the transformation was complete she would try her best to cover her naked body until he allowed her to dress.

He circled her as she stood there, her head held down and she flinched as he ran is index finger along her spine stopping right at its base. Jay took off his shirt and placed it over Rachael's shoulders. He felt uncomfortable at the scene playing out in front of him.

"When did you grow a heart," Winston teased at him, "I thought you hated Aelia."

"She is not Aelia though Winston; is she?"

Winston smirked at him.

"Look at my little bro, falling for a wolf. You make me sick, I am going out to feed I need a little entertainment. Let you too get better acquainted." He joked.

"I am not falling for her," he snapped back but secretly he was.

He slammed the door behind him and as soon as Jay heard front door close he began to feel a little awkward.

"Why don't you go and get dressed, are you hungry?" he asked.

Rachael nodded and left to get dressed.

"What do you want to eat?" Jay shouted as he rummaged through the drawers trying to find a takeout menu, being vampires there was absolutely no food in the rented apartment.

"Anything," she remarked as she entered the room, "I am starving."

Jay smiled at her, "I can only find a pizza menu. Does that sound good?"

Rachael nodded and decided to try her luck with Jay again.

"Please let me call my brother."

Jay sighed out loud, "not this again Rachael. You know I cannot let you, he has forbidden it."

"But you don't have to do what he says, just one call; please."

"To say what? Howdy, don't worry about me I am having a blast."

"You let the girls in the cellar go free, he told you to kill them."

Jay thought back to those two girls, one of them had been in the cellar for almost ten years. He'd just dropped them off in the middle of town after compelling them to forget where they had been, he did not feel like killing them.

"No, he said to get rid of them; which I did. Stop asking me if you can call your brother, if you want to call him so bad ask mine if you can."

Rachael bowed her head as tears welled in her eyes, she did not want Jay to see she was about cry. However Jay knew she was and he did not know what to say so he just ignored it.

"Here chose something," he said as he handed her the menu but he felt as guilty as hell as he looked at her.


Winston was watching a young prostitute from the other side of the road and he smiled as he eyed her. She was nervous he could smell it even from here and it looked like it was her first day on the job. Her head was held down, she was silent and she approached no-one. She was the complete opposite from the woman a few meters down the street.

Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'Staying Human'Where stories live. Discover now