Every monsterous thing

Start from the beginning

"The trick is not to love anything,your mistake was that you let someone, in someone you'd sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak!"

"Then I'll just kill you"

"Do that, but you'll never find your son in time"

"What did you do"

"I buried him...six feet deep"

You could tell by the look in Pekka's face. As he lowered his gun, he was losing.

"You trifling piece of barrel trash, what the hell do you want!"

"I want you to remember..."

"Remember what?"

"A con you ran on two farmboys, orphans. A promise to replace the family they lost and you duped them out of everything, they ended up on the streets and they both died. But one of us was reborn...too many pigeons to remember? Let me help you, Jakob Hertzoon..."

"That was a long time...so that's what this is all about? Why you look at me with a murder in those sharks eyes of yours? You are just two pigeons, who I happened to have plucked and if it hadn't had been me it would've been someone else."

"Bad luck for Alby that it was you."

Pekka charged at him, holding him up against the wall with a gun to his head, I tried my best not to flinch or move,

Kaz always has plan, kaz knows what he's doing

Please let kaz know what he's doing

"How about another hint? You called your daughter Saskia, she wore red ribbons in her hair"

"Ok...ok, two boys from Lij, you had a piddling little fortune. Your brother, fancied himself a trader, wanted to get rich quick like every other nub who stepped foot in the barrel"
Pekka's breathing had gone haywire, it was like the two were playing some fucked up guessing game with life and death

"I want you to say his name...COME ON!"

"I-I don't remember his name! I just want my son, he's all I have, I'll give you whatever you want Brekker, I'm begging you"

"...are you"

It was a challenge, no, an order.
To bow to the new Boss of ketterdam, to humiliate Pekka in front of his own men, to put him on his knees a kaz was merely a couple months ago

After this kaz pulled out a piece of paper, a document,
"A confession for the murder of Tante Heleen and Constable Sem...and a quitclaim deed for Inej Ghafa and Yulia Tarasova...my tailor. Sign both of you want to find your son alive" he did the trick with the pen and threw it at Pekka.

And like signing away his soul, Pekka signed away his freedom and power to the man standing over him

"Where's my son"

"Black Veil Cemetery, you'll need all your men digging to find him before the air runs out"

All of Pekka's men scattered, going to the gravesite in a hurry

Lady's maid|Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now