Coincidence • VII

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After nearly drowning on a water planet, I decided to take a few days off from the missions.

My name on the leaderboard wasn't going to rise anytime soon but it also wouldn't be lowering since I was a few hundred points ahead from the person below me, I was confident enough for that.

I thought about the seniors who attacked Tate, disliking the idea of their names up high in the leaderboard.

I knew Charles was getting comfortable since he only took a few missions each week, his name still in the top five hundred and rising. The people above him were the the older students from the other schools, the only thing they had against him was experience.

Being recruited at sixteen gave him the disadvantage of having to control and master his power for a season. Even though he's in Robyn's age group, he was granted a season skip for being recruited late.

For some reason, this season was tougher than the previous seasons. It was my luck that I had joined when the true ruthless creations had been unleashed into the challenge.

It made me contemplate if I should've pleaded my case to Sir Hendricks, begging him to let me sit this one out.

"Can you take these to the library Indi?"

Instantly, the horrors of the challenge left my mind just to be replaced with the images that I had been dreading to think of for days.

Returning to the library.

"Maybe walking around will wake you up. That way you aren't missing out on the important class work. " Mrs Trinity knocked on my station as she handled me the pile of thick textile books.

I couldn't even protest, refusing to accept my fate as I stared blankly at the books.

"Preferably done so in the next few minutes, nena." My teacher exclaimed as she stood at the front, waiting for me to get up.

There was a line at the library door, most of the students were dressed in default mission clothes.

"What's happening here?" I questioned the nearest student, realising it had been an over-rank I pressed my lips flat and looked down the line until I found an under-rank.

He seemed a little anxious as he waited amongst a line full of over-ranks. The rest of the under ranks were at the back of the line, no doubt they had been pushed back by the other over-ranks.

"Why are you guys all lined up here?" I asked as I walked up to him. He was hesitant at first but then realisation waved over his face after seeing me.

"Sir Hendricks revealed that there was a set of books which could help us in the nexus mission, books filled with advice from previous graduates." He told me and I gave him a doubtful look.

My eyes wandered up and down the line again, seeing it lengthen. "All of these people came for advice?" I rephrased.

"The nexus challenge has somehow tripled in difficulty. None of the teachers can explain what happened but the vice principal said it was a normal process, a due evolution is what she called it."

Even with the explanation, I still found it hard to believe. The amount of over ranks in the line contributed to my belief.

I decided to make my way up to the front, not needing any service like the others.

I was just returning books after all, I had no need to enter the library and possibly come across Tyler.

"Lady Burlem these books-"

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