Heirachy • VI

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It took more than a week for Robyn to get used to the new addition to our small circle.

Considering the fact that she isn't with us in the dining hall for lunch or dinner, I'd say that Tate has done a fairly decent job of getting Byn to warm up to him.

She's laughing at his jokes so that was a plus. The only downside is when she returns from her failed missions and Tate can't control his mouth.

"Who?" Robyn furrowed her eyebrows at Tate who then looks over to me.

"She wasn't listening." Tate sighs. "I'm telling you it was a girl with bangs and-" His voice became mumbled after I stopped listening again.

My eyes sink to the wooden table, disassociating for the fifth time today.

"-Tate's right, your eyes keep wandering up and down every table in the hall. Is there someone you're looking for Indi?"

I didn't realise they had moved back to the topic of my strange behavior. I raised my head to them, stared for a couple of seconds before remembering I had to respond.

I take a sharp intake of air. "No, I just feel tense right now." I exclaimed. "I've been like this ever since the start of the challenge. I get itchy because my strings want to be let out, to find another target, I'm used to the feeling of unleashing them now." I forced a straight face.

Ever since I had seen the man from my dreams, I couldn't think straight. I can't shake off how it felt to finally see him. To finally feel sane after all these years of thinking that maybe I had just imagined it all.

It's also like I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

I've been using the missions as an excuse everytime someone had brought up the fact that they haven't seen me in the library for the past few days. Which is extremely unusual for me apparently.

Tate gave me a dumbfounded look, but he made no further attempts to question me in fromt of Robyn. Keeping his questions in his head for later.

"We need to head to class." Robyn mentions and I begin cleaning up my food tray so she can bring it to the clean up section along with hers.

"You guys still go to class?" Tate asks and I nod. "I thought you only had to go so those nexus mission things."

"We can choose what days we go to normal lessons, we just have to make up for the lessons we missed due to the missions." I explain.

"If I only did my missions on a Monday and Thursday, then the next week I'd have to switch it around. Go to class on Monday and Thursday, then do missions on the rest of the days." Robyn added.

It was a terrible concept to wrap my head around at first. But now I had my schedule organized.

I know most people try to change their schedule so that it wouldn't match with any over-ranks or under-ranks. I've seen plenty try to avoid specific lessons because a certain someone was there.

"Just our luck." Robyn carelessly dropped her things by the safety mats. I had done the same, advising Tate to do so as well.

My eyes followed the direction where Robyn had been staring at, seeing the majority of the class made up of over-ranks.

We were especially fortunate to have come across the certain someone that every sane person would try to avoid.

"Just on time, I had to move out a few of the recruits since these lot needed to do their catch up classes. I'm guessing you two are the same?"

Robyn and I both nodded at Madame Rouge.

"And you're in luck, I have just enough space for one recruit." Rouge directed to Tate.

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