Chapter 2: Alikred's Real Identity

Start from the beginning

Iruma had a lot of thoughts in his mind, so Alikred called out to him: "Lil-iru? We have to continue our practice". Iruma regained himself after hearing Alikred. He used magic to create vases for his training, and he used a spell that would put a seal on those vases. Alikred taught him about visualizing, and decoding the seal code, so he's set for the training.

Iruma's POV: Ali-san told me to read the seal... What exactly does that mean? Maybe I should try this?" *He touched the vase with his fingertip coated in mana* "Hm, this place looks weird... Is this the seal?? I have to destroy it before the chance fades!"

Iruma managed to pour mana into the seal barrier, but it didn't break. He tried it again for a few more times, but it didn't work. Iruma told Alikred that he couldn't understand the part of reading the seal since he tried a lot of times, but none of them were destroyed.

A|N: Iruma knows how to create seals, but he doesn't know how to break them. He used his mana to create the seals, but Alikred assisted him. Which means, Alikred was the one who created the seal code, making it quite difficult for Iruma to break.

Extra: Ami Kirio's barrier, or any other bloodline magic that involves barriers isn't the same as the spell that the misfits are trying to learn. To be precise, it's a spell that has an ancient effect. It's formally taught to 4th year students, but we're talking about abnormal class, so some of their lessons are advanced. For my explanation, a seal has a barrier. A seal stands as an emblem with applied effects chosen by the creator. The strength and conditions of the seal varies on the balanced protective and destructive control of magic. To break a seal, one must cast a spell that could shatter the barrier. That spell requires the caster to have control on their consciousness, from their emotions and thoughts, to the very place where their magic seeps out. In attempts, the caster may fuse with the barrier, as if they're one with it. If they correctly emitted their aura, they'll see the seal code. Once they begin seeing the seal code, they can burst a destructive magic to break the barrier and pour mana in the form of the seal code. The seal looks like an emblem, but the seal code looks like a symbol that turns into liquid-like form.

Ali: "Listen to me, Lil-iru. You saw an opening, right?"
Iruma: "Y-yes, I tried hitting it with mana several times, but nothing happened."
Ali: "Would you like to rest for a while?"

Iruma sat on a bench to rest, and he suddenly realized that the ring's mana was left untouched. His sudden realization made him ask a question to Alikred.

Iruma: "W-wait, was I using my own mana earlier, Ali-san?"
Ali: "Oh, that's right, I didn't feel anything during your training... Yes, there's a possibility that it's your own mana."

Alikred's POV: I think Lil-iru can finally produce his own mana because he reached rank 6 (Vav), or maybe it's because he's getting accustomed to life in the netherworld. Many things kept changing within me whenever Lil-iru moves up a rank, for example:
Rank 2 (Bet): I had my own consciousness.
Rank 5 (He): I could finally change my size depending on how much mana I have left, and the tail that connects me to the ring disappeared too. I thought I was free, but I'm always pulled back to the ring whenever I stray too far from Iruma.
Rank 6 (Vav): I discovered that I could change my appearance, and I could also roam around freely for a few minutes before getting pulled back to the ring. The greatest change that I acquired was being able to produce my own mana, and I could also use my previous magic.

Iruma: "Woah, that sounds like a miracle! But, how am I able to produce my own mana? I mean, I'm not a demon in the first place..."
Ali: "Every living creature has their own mana. Humans have a very faint aura, but that doesn't mean they don't have mana. I think you're finally adapting to the customs of netherworld, and it's probably because of your rank too. "
Iruma: "I have to tell grandpa about this!"
Ali: "I don't really mind if you tell someone about this, but you have to be careful. Let's get back to training!"
Iruma: "Ah, may I ask another question, Ali-san?"
Ali: "What is it?"
Iruma: "Do you think that the seal won't break because I'm a human? I'm using my own mana to break it, so maybe it's not strong enough compared to a demon's mana..."
Ali: "We can't be sure about that. You entered the seal barrier, right? Did you apply the seal code in your mana? You have to release a destructive blow on the barrier too."
Iruma: "Wait, I didn't think of that."

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