she smiled softly as if thanking him for trusting her and boosting him up, Kaz towered over her and clenched her hand as if his life depended on it.

Zaria looked up searching for any kind of injuries, his hair fell in front of his forehead like an ocean, it was damp, his cheeks were rosy and the rest paler than before.

she looked down at their hands but caught a glimpse of his chest, "oh saints!" she exclaimed with wide eyes before looking away, both their hands tore and the teenagers blushed like toddlers.

"I'm sorry.." she spoke looking everywhere but at the boy, her cheeks were flaming hot and she bit her lip so hard to hold back her smile, she saw Kaz Brekker's bare chest, oh. my. saints.

Inej was telling everyone to hold onto something because they were about to move at top speed and Zaria was holding on to the gun tightly still trying to forget Kaz Brekker standing there with his uniform unbuttoned.
saints she has already seen him shirtless, why is she still blushing like an idiot?

the crows boosted themselves onto the sides of the tank, clutching at any groove or lip in the metal for dear life, and then they were rolling down the road towards the harbor at top speed.

As they roared past the streetlamps, people emerged from their houses to see what was happening. What did they see as they poked their heads out of windows and doorways? 

A group of hooting kids clinging to a tank painted with the Fjerdan flag and charging along like some deranged float gone astray from its parade; a girl in purple silk, a boy with red-gold curls, and a raven haired girl in black and red silks poking out from behind the guns; four soaked people holding tight to the sides for dear life – a Shu boy in prison clothes, two bedraggled drüskelle, and Nina, a half-naked girl in shreds of teal chiffon shouting, "We have a moat!" 

Wylan ducked down, and the tank veered west, "It’s the warehouse district," Matthias explained, "Deserted at night." 

The tank clattered and clanked over the cobblestones, swinging right and left over curbs and back again to avoid the few pedestrians, then sped into the harbor district, past taverns and shops and shipping offices.

Zaria felt free, sure, Fjerda's breeze was cruel and made every bone in her body ache, but she can finally breathe, the voices in her mind disappeared like they never even existed and she felt so happy.

Kuwei tilted his head back, his face bright with joy, "I can smell the sea," he said happily. Nina could smell it, too, everyone did.

The lighthouse gleamed in the distance, two more blocks, and they'd be at the quay and freedom. Thirty million kruge waiting for them.

With her share and Matthias', they could go anywhere they wanted, and live any life they chose.

"Almost there!" cried Wylan happily but when they rounded a corner, Zaria's smile faded and her heart dropped, her eyes met Nina's wide ones, "Stop! Jes stop!" shouted the girl sliding down and landing beside Jesper's window.

The tank jolted to a halt, nearly throwing Nina from her perch if it wasn't for Zaria gripping her wrist and pulling her back, the happy atmosphere fading and turning into one full of worry and a sense of danger.

The quay lay directly before them and beyond it the harbor, the flags of a thousand ships snapping in the breeze.

The hour was late and just like Matthias said, the quay should have been empty by now, but no, instead, it was crowded with troops, row after row of them in grey uniforms, two hundred soldiers at least – and every barrel of every gun was pointed directly at them.

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