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Chapter 29: Alive

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Chapter 29: Alive.


Kaz Bekker fainted.

"I'm alive!" he shouted, as loud as he could. But he was so small, and the boat was already drifting back to the harbor. Kaz tried to pull Jordie from the water.

His body covered in little blooming sores, his skin white and bruised and freezing. Kaz thought of the little wind-up dog, of drinking hot chocolate on the bridge.

He could feel the water filling his lungs, he was screaming, "Kaz!" A name called out for him, he wanted to call back, Zaria, that was her voice.

"Zaria..." he only managed to whisper as he tried to make his way to the surface, her voice echoed and made him swim faster in hope to catch a glimpse of her.

Just one glimpse, one only, for the last time.

Well she stayed awake for a while, also trying to not faint, leaning against the wall harder and focusing on Kaz panting, focusing on him, instead of herself.

"Kaz.." she seemed to call out for his name in a whisper that only he heard every 5 minutes, "wake up..." she whispered again doing everything she can not to touch him.

'I need you.' She thought feeling the world start spinning, she couldn't breathe and the hood made it even harder.

Head lolling to the side she wanted to intertwine her fingers with his, at least she will die holding his hand, right?

Zaria didn't know why Kaz fainted, she really didn't, she noticed the way he tensed when she touched his shoulder, the way he flinched, but she never thought it was this bad.

The question was why? Why was he so afraid of touch?

Even Inej was confused, poor girl tried to keep her awake for the whole trip, but of course, she loosed consciousness.

Way too exhausted to fight her own demons, this time, she lost the war, the monsters took control of her body and made her give up.

Every muscle in her body aching, legs weakening, her skin itchy, very itchy she wanted to rip her skin off, bruises forming along with drops of blood from how mucb she was wiggling and twitching.

"dad?" Zaria ran after the fading silhouette of her father, leaves slapping her cheeks as she got deeper into the forest, huge trees towering over her figure like the creatures she used to see in the corner of her room.

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