: ̗̀➛2

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The floor felt cold and hard beneath Dawn, almost like she was still on the streets of the city rather than in a strange person's basement

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The floor felt cold and hard beneath Dawn, almost like she was still on the streets of the city rather than in a strange person's basement. Her eyes began to adjust to the light once they became slightly ajar, making her question how long she's been knocked out. As soon as her eyes manage to fully open, they welcome the sight of a man she has never seen before or at least to her knowledge. He was lighter in skin tone than Dawn and had a muscular stature that you can tell took a lot of time and dedication to build.

Dawn took a moment to study his face before she began to slide back on her bottom. She only stops when she feels her back hit the wall. The man is sat on a single chair in font of her just staring into her face intensely. I have my work cut out for me, she thought. Her first plan involved screaming and running until she found an exit, but he was taller and clearly had a weapon displayed on the right side of his hip. It was a gun inside of a leather holster that she assumed he wouldn't be afraid to use.

Now her next plan was the old bathroom trick. In every thriller ever, the one being held hostage pretends to have to use the bathroom, but instead they're looking for a way out behind the kidnapper's back. The bonus side to this is that Dawn actually had to relieve herself and she'd figure she'd gain more time to escape too.

With all the energy she could muster because -- annoyingly being kidnapped is exhausting -- she croaked, "I have to pee." The man's eyes searched her face to discern if she was lying, but the bathroom is not really something you'd want to call bluff on. So like any gentleman, he took a pair of handcuffs from his waist and stalked over to where Dawn was.

"Up." The one word command had her scrambling to stand up. Her legs felt like lead as she used the wall to balance herself. It threw her off guard when the man suddenly grabs her face and squeezes all the while piercing into her dark almond eyes, "Don't try anything," he warned. Dawn nodded as much as she can with the tight grip he had of her. "I'm Chris."

She remains quiet, but makes a note in her head, Chris. Chris slaps the handcuffs around her and modifies it to her wrist size. The walk through the house was long enough to try and think of everything any normal kidnapping victim would think of. Are they going to hurt me? If so, how? Who are they? Am I a random person to them? Or do they know all about me? And of course the important one of all, how the hell do I get out of here? The section of the room they were once in was far behind as they make it through a doorway that leads to another part of the basement. Again, it's gray, plain and mainly empty other than chairs scattered here and there.

The pair finally come to a halt in front of a door that ironically had a big stainless steel cross in the middle of it. Chris, who still goes by 'the strange man' in her head, unlocks her handcuffs and swings the door open. "Remember what I told you." Although his voice didn't go above a certain octave, it still gave her chills because it was unquestionably a serious threat. The man has her in this random house, against her will by the use of chloroform and a gun on his hip, not to mention the built in weapons he calls hands. But that didn't matter to her if the bathroom was going to be her escape she'd get to see soon. Dawn steps in slowly watching him the whole time. "Privacy, I'm still a lady," she whispers. Chris glares as she shuts the door behind her.

After peeing, panic mode quickly sets in. She observes the window that was on the wall closest to the shower and the opposite end of the door. Shit. The window was obviously soundproof as certain foams lined the panes, this became knowledge to her when she tried to pry it open while standing on the edge of the shower. A knock on the door sounded. "Hurry."

Dawn feels beads of sweat as she tries to assemble a plan that wouldn't alert the big man out there and force him to interfere. The plan seemingly guaranteed a clean and cohesive escape. However, in addition to soundproof everything, there was no way for anyone on the outside to see anything on the inside which she knew because she couldn't see the outside. The only thing that couldn't be hidden was June's sunlight shining through the window's glass, everything else was blurry. Dawn mentally groaned as her best plan was falling apart by the second. She did a quick glance around the bathroom in search of something to break the window, even so there was nothing but a half-way empty bottle of hand soap on the sink's counter.

Before Dawn could mentally draft another plan, the doorknob's lock sounded. The same anxiety from the night before came swarming her body; the clammy palms, the speedy heart, the shortening of breath. Her eyes welled with tears as awareness surrounding her situation hit her like a pile of bricks. Even with those thoughts and her fatigue she managed to make her way down the shower ledge. Dawn carefully placed one hand on the tiled wall, and gently presses her foot on the floor before repeating that step again with the other foot. Unfortunately, she didn't make it in time to cover the space from the window to the other side of the bathroom. It was mainly to make it appear as though she isn't observing the window for an exit.

When the door swung open, the dread on Dawn's face is evident. Her eyes gave her away as she resembled a little kid that was caught being a klepto in the cookie jar. Chris didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't say much of anything Dawn was starting to gather.

"Well can you blame a girl for trying? Geez!" Dawn blurted. Her eyes grew to the size of saucers when she registered what she said. But it was the unfiltered truth. Who in their right mind wouldn't try to find a way out? Except, it's unorthodox to let their kidnapper know.

The next thing Chris did came to no surprise. He easily filled the gap between them and took a hold of Dawn's much smaller frame. With his free hand, Chris grabbed a needle from his back pocket. She let out a scream as she caught sight of this. Stabbing her with the needle was the easy part, but the moment she lost control of her body he had to account for the dead weight. To Chris' surprise she's as light as a feather.

A/N: what are some predictions? i wanna see how accurate (or not) yall are.

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