"Are you trying to blow our ears off!?"

"Look. This is getting nowhere. We're all just throwing ideas out and not thinking how practical they are or if they'll even be liked. Now, Izuku. what do you think of the ideas thus far?" She turned the attention to me with looking at the ideas written down as a whole.

"Entirely speaking, any type of food stalls will be overshadowed I think since the concessions given by the school are also offered outside of any possible specialty stands made by schools. Any type of expo will be overshadowed since I heard from Hatsume that there is an expo done by the support course. At that point, it'd be more like we're trying to one up them and would give the wrong impression. Adding to this, a fight club or any type of reading won't work because we're not entertaining children or people in a fight club. A dance party could work, but you need more. It's something that in theory works, but it also looks lazy because there isn't more structure to it."

"So then what do you suggest?" Tsu asked for me to think about it as best as I can. At this point, I remembered something Todoroki told me about.

"Sero. How good are you with making designs on clothes? You said you dabble with it."

"Decently. Not gonna brag, but I do good work."

"Mina. If you had a choreography made for certain songs, could you teach a bunch of us how to dance?"

"Awww yeah, boy! You know I can."

"That can work. We'll also need help with some of our quirks and we can do special effects."

"What are you thinking of doing?" Toga asked for me to show for the most part what I have.

"Todoroki, do you still have that video bookmarked you showed me?" He nodded before going to the internet on his phone and showing us a dance concert that someone did. "Todoroki said he did something like this a while back with the remedial lessons for the Provisional and thought it was interesting."

"WHAT THE HECK DO YOU DO AT THESE REMEDIAL LESSONS!?" Mina shouted with it kinda surprising me as well.

"Well anyway, Kyoka knows how to play guitar and so do I, Momo knows how to play the keyboard, all we just need is a drummer."

"OH OH OH! I think Kaachan should be the drummer!" Toga immediately pointed out to Kaachan who started shouting.


"You did say though you had to take drumming lessons as a kid." Kirishima sided with the idea with it somewhat impressing me.

"Fine! I'll be the fucking drummer! But if you can't follow my rhythm then that's not my fucking fault!" I smiled realizing that we finally had something on hand to start making decisions. Fortunately, everything was going smoothly after we had some kind of framework for everyone to start putting in their own opinions. The issue I faced though was....I was told to be the lead singer.

"Ummm. Can't someone else sing? I mean, Kyoka does this really good at singing as well and she'd probably do a much better job at performing."

"C'mon, Izuku. You can do it a lot better than anyone here. You've got a channel specified for it that Yui uploads a lot." Mina turned to Kyoka after this and tried to justify her comment a bit. "No offense."

"None taken. Shrub here should sing personally thinking."

I was for the most part put in a corner. Nobody thought I shouldn't sing with the thought of having to perform in front of a bunch of people being...well, frightening a bit. For better or worse though, I made my decision. "Ok."

"Yay! Alright, we need really good songs to dance to. So Kyoka, you're gonna help Izu do this. When you have the songs, I wanna listen to them so I can make a good dance choreography to it." Mina seemed excited for this with it confusing us all.

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