Armando: Stop suggesting things.

Marcel: Go find them, Nigel.

(Nigel flies out of the window in search of Blu, Y/n and Jewel. Marcel looks at a truck with people on its back throwing confetti all aound them while playing music)

Marcel: Hmm. If we can't get through the parade, we'll have to be in the parade.

Armando and Tipa: Huh?


(Y/n, Jewel and Blu are pulling up a huge rock up on a rope)

Y/n: Are you sure this is going to work?

Jewel: Positive. Check out our math.

(She points to the calculations she's drawn on the ground)

Y/n: Yeah, that's... that's comforting. Thank you. Look, let's just get this chain broken.

(Blu attaches the rope onto a branch)

Blu: Right. Then we can go and find Linda.

Y/n: No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal?

Blu: Fine. Deal.

(She puts one of her wings up accidentally, pulling the lever holding the rock off its hook. The rope gets stuck in Blu's beak and She, Y/n and Jewel go flying and land onto the rock that fell to the ground)

Jewel: Ouch.

Y/n: Nice try, brainiacs.

(Jewel gasps and looks around)

Jewel: I think something is watching us.

(Three small baby toucans pop up from behind a rock squeaking, they run up to blu, Y/n and Jewel. Two of them jump into the arms of Y/n and Jewel)

Y/n: Oh, be careful. They might snuggle you to death.

Jewel: I wouldn't mid that.

(The last baby jumps up and down in front of Blu)

Blu: Oh. Aw, come here.

(The baby rips off some of her feathers causing her to scream and run around)

Rafael and Eva's Children: Intruders!

(The other two in Y/n's and Jewel's arms grab their eye lids and start to tug on them which also makes them scream. One of them throws a seed of sorts into Blu's mouth almost making her choke. The babies bite their tails and tug on their feathers. While running around Y/n, Blu and Jewel's feet get tangled in the chain making them fall to the ground)

Rafael and Eva's Kid: Attack!

(A bunch of kids fly at them causing them to scream. A grown toucan looks out of a nest)

Rafael: What's going on down there?

(Y/n, Blu and Jewel are grunting and groaning while the kids jump on them. Rafael comes down and starts to wave his wings at the kids)

Rafael: Go, go, go. Off with you.

Rafael and Eva's Children: Daddy! Daddy!

(The kids begin to swarm Rafael)

Rafael: Okay, guys, guys... I've told you thousand times. Manuela, Sofia, come on, now. Listen to me. Ow! Oh, yeah, right in the eye.

Jewel: Oh, precious, aren't they?

Rafael: Kids? 17 of them, and one on the way.

(He shouts at two of his children shaking an unhatched egg)

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