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Episode three, part two

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Episode three, part two

"I know but I trust you, Riven. I trust you with my girl. You know I always have."

A week after Silva got infected Riven's pov

"Sky watch your footwork." I hear Silva say, I quickly glance at Sky's feet and am pleased to see Silva is right, Sky's footwork is shit. Sky kicks my butt causing me to stumble forward but I am not down so I make my way back to the blonde boy and sweep his feet causing him to fall with a thud. "Nicely done, Riven," Silva says before walking away. 

I give Sky a hand to help him get up. "Does he seem worse to you?" Sky asks, if I am being honest he does but I know Sky doesn't need to hear that.

"What, Riven gets a compliment, and all of a sudden, Silva has brain damage?" I say chuckling, trying to bring some light to the situation.

Josie and Stella are sitting on a bench. Josie's eyes are trained on Silva while she sips her drink. She is pretty much always in the training field, skipping her other classes to be with Silva. Sky starts walking toward them and I see her eyes spotting us but they don't light up they just stare at Sky like there is no hope left.

"Well, it's been a week since he got infected by the burned one. I dunno maybe I am overreacting." He isn't and we both know it but I want him to be okay so I don't say anything. "What do you think, Stel?" I roll my eyes and sit down next to Josie. She looks at me and we make eye contact, I give her a quick smile. She doesn't return it which I understand she isn't in the mood to smile right now.

"About what?" She asks looking up from her phone. She annoys me it is like she doesn't even care about what her friends are going through. Josie rolls her eyes and starts playing with her fingers, she is annoyed or stressed, maybe both, probably both. 

"Silva. How does he look to you?" Sky says. I know she struggles talking about him and how good she is at hiding those struggles so I look for signs on her face.

"Fine," Stella says and looks back at her phone. Josie looks hurt by the way Stella is acting so I handle the situation the only way I know how, I make a joke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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