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 "I love you"

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 "I love you"

April 2004       Selena's POV

"Saul?" I look at him as he turns around. The light falls on his face perfectly making his worried features clearer. It is dark out but the moon shines brighter than ever before. 

"Selena," He says, he gets up and walks toward me. His hand reaches for mine and I let him take it. He closes both his hands around mine and rubs them warm. 

"I want you to take care of her, not him," I tell him making his brows knit together. I am always direct. With me, it is what you see is what you get. 

"But he is her dad." He drops my hand. 

"I don't trust Andreas, he is never there for his son," I tell him. "I want her to have a better family than that."

 "You know you'll be there." His voice sounds insecure.

"You know I won't. They'll kill me when we try to stop them."

"You can't come when we try to stop them."  

"I have to come or I won't forgive myself."

"You are a mother now, you need to think about yourself."

"Don't use my child against me, Saul. I have to make her proud and if I don't do anything I'll be a murderer too." My voice comes out like it is the truth like there is no doubt in my body, but there is, I am scared to leave my daughter in this world so I need to make sure she isn't alone.

"What if you die? What will she do then?" 

"She'll be with people who love her." I look at him his eyes are avoiding mine but I can still feel his anger. He knows I am talking about him. Farah and Ben will be there too I am sure but they are not Saul Silva. They didn't bring me ice cream when I was heartbroken, didn't give me flowers when I was alone on Valentine's Day and they aren't the person who told me he would help me with my daughter. That was all Saul. 

"Maybe we will both die and she will be with Andreas or Rosalind." 

 "I need to do this, for her sake," I say ignoring what he said, I can't afford to think like that. 

"You can't." 

"I am going to, end of discussion. And when I die-"

"If you die." He interrupts me a stern look on his face. I know he will do anything to keep me alive. But I am also aware that I am going to die.

"If I die I want you to be her guardian. I am changing my will tonight."

"Fine." He walks away. His shoulder softly brushes against mine. The door closes a little harshly and I sit down. 

He doesn't know that I am giving her my powers. I know I am going to die, and I know Rosalind will take revenge on my daughter. If she has my powers she will win that fight. I need her to win that fight. Giving your powers to someone is hard and it fails a lot of the time, but even if she gains just a little bit of my powers I'll be fine with my decision 

October 2004 Selena's POV
Aster Dell

His body falls with a thud to the ground I don't dare look who it is. I think it is bad that I am hoping it is the father of my baby. I look around trying to find Farah, I need to stop them from burning this village down. 

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around, my muscles tighten as I prepare myself to fight but I know it is too late. Rosalind stands in front of me her magic surrounding her hands. Behind her I see Silva standing and I let out a breath knowing Andreas is dead and my girl is safe. 

"Stupid of you to give your powers away," Rosalind says, her voice cold and sharp as a knife. 

"You wouldn't understand anyway," I say not caring to explain. "You can't do this Rosalind. There are babies in there."

"They won't stay babies forever." She says I know she isn't just talking about the families. I tighten my fist, she makes me mad. The way her voice sounds so emotionless like she doesn't know what she is doing. But she does know, she knows she is killing innocent people.

"Rosalind please." I am not going to die begging for my life but I will die begging for the lives of the families behind me. 

"You can walk away to your baby girl. Or you can stay and die." 

"I'll stay."

"That is too bad we could be very powerful together." I stay silent. "I see you made your choice." 

Before I know it I am in one of the houses. I try to fight but her magic ties me to a pillar. She leaves me alone and I prepare myself to die. But then when I realize what I am doing I start fighting anyway. I start pulling the rope up and down on the pillar trying to get loose. I see a wall getting caught on fire and I start pulling faster. "Farah! Stop!" My voice scares me.

It is loud and hopeless, I know Rosalind is keeping Farah as far away from me as possible, scared she might save me and turn her back on Rosalind. Farah would, she is my best friend and she would kill for me. I close my eyes as I try to calm my mind and distract it from the aching pain in my pulses. 

Then fire hits me, it only hurts for a second. I feel someone pulling me out of the fire, the pain gets worse as I lay in the wind.

"Selena? Please." The voice pleads. I can't move. "Selena? Its Saul. Please open your eyes for me. Come on, love." His tears feel nice on my face, little cold drops when my face feels on fire. He has always been there to keep my fire in check and here I am dying in his arms. I wish I told him I loved him before but was scared of ruining whatever we had.

"Take care of her," I say, my voice is raspy and slow. I have a lot of regrets, and this isn't one of them. I would die over and over for them my first love and my beautiful daughter. She is just one month old and already saying goodbye to both her parents, but I trust Saul more than I trust myself, he is so good with her. 

"I will, okay? I love you." 

"I love you too," I say as I feel my consciousness slipping away.

So this was the prologue from her mother's POV. I don't know if I love or hate this but I liked the idea of having a chapter about her mom before you guys can meet her. I will start publishing the chapters on February 1 so I am really excited to share my story with you. Thank you for reading.  Also I know in the show Sky and Riven met in their first year but in my ff I changed it so that they were childhood friends because I feel like it adds to the story. 

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Happy New Year babes! Hope you have an amazing and healthy 2024!

Lots of love,

𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ~ 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞; 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐱 𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐚On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara