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Scara's hands😍😍

TW: sexual assault(kinda), violence, Dottore.


Scaramouche's POV

"Go on, say sorry to her!"

I was now in a room with Ei since Yae decided to snitch on me for what I did. Well, I didn't even do anything really, she's just being dramatic again.

"I already said sorry to her, jeez." I scoffed, crossing my arms and looking away.

Why does she care so much anyway?

"No, you mumbled sorry to her. The poor thing would've needed to be right up to your face to hear that." Yae retorted, finally joining in the conversation after just watching from the corner, amused.

"Alright, alright. I'm going." I hurriedly left the room.

Really, I just wanted an excuse to get out of there. However, I was still going to apologize to her because she interests me.

I'm not sure what it is that makes me interested in her. Perhaps it's her attractiveness, or perhaps it's the way she always catches my eye.

I went around the whole house trying to find her, yet there was no sign of her anywhere.

That was, until, I saw the same h/c hair in the crowd being dragged away by someone with...blue hair?

I sneakily followed behind them, trying to not get caught or seem suspicious.

Soon, I lost sight of them in the crowd as they entered a more secluded area, in a small room.

The door closed behind them and I silently went up to the it, eavesdropping.

"Hey! What are you-"

"Keep your voice down doll, we wouldn't want anyone hearing us now, or should I see, hearing you now, would we?"

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Are you really that slow? Hahaha~ remember what happened between me and you a few weeks back, when your sister was involved?"

For a few seconds it went silent, before another chuckle came through.

"This is payback doll, so you'll know never to mess with me again~ besides, you're asking for it when you're dressed up like that~"

"Hey! What are you-ugh, get off me Dottore!"

Dottore. Oh how I hate that name.

I quickly barged through the door, pulling Dottore off of y/n. His head snapped towards me, like the movement of a robot.

"What are you doing you? Do you not know how to mind your own business?"

I smirked at his words.

This guy really has the audacity to even say a word to me?

"No, I don't." And with that, I threw a punch at his face and swinging my knee at a...very uncomfortable place.

He buckled over in pain, giving y/n the chance to run behind me, and me the chance to punch him in his guts.

Shortly after, he fell on the floor, leading to me sitting on him and repeatedly punching him in the face.

What a little- he's gotten on my nerves for the last time.

"S-scara! You're gonna kill him!" A muffled voice was shouting to me, but my mind was clouded. My only focus was on the man below me and the thoughts of everything he's done.

Pretty Girl - Scaramouche/Wanderer x reader (chatfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now