
730 31 12

TW: violence.


Just so you know, Oz is a human in this story and looks somewhat like this but with slight changes that may or may not be described. Really, you can imagine him how you want, I'm basically just giving him a suit with Fischl's style, black hair and purple (partially glowing) eyes.


[Prinzessin der Verurteilung]

Prinzessin der Verurteilung
My dearest acquaintance
Is one such as yourself at the
party of the all infamous and
rich Lady Yelan?

I am Prinzessin
Are you?

Prinzessin der Verurteilung
I am
At what location is my dearest

In one of the rooms upstairs

Prinzessin der Verurteilung
Me and some other allies are on
our way to accompany you

Thanks Fischl<3

Read 10:12


You quickly tidied the books away that you got out and lay some pillows on the floor near the bed. You wasn't sure how many friends Fischl was bringing but you doubted there would be enough room on the bed for all of you.

While laying the final few pillows out, the door slammed open, revealing a rather proud looking Fischl.

"Behold and rejoice, for I have found our goal, the almighty y/n!" She placed her hands on her hip and looked off with her eyes closed and a smug smile.

"Yes, yes, well done Fischl. Now, can we step inside?" Mona asked impatiently.

Fischl moved and everyone stepped into the room, finding their seats shortly after.

You recognised everyone in the room, yet you knew only few of them well. Sat next to you was, of course, Fischl. On the pillows sat Mona, Bennett, Razor and Oz.

"Oh, hello y/n." Mona sent you a gentle smile. Although you didn't really know her, you had seen her around and she seemed cool enough with her interests in astrology and supposedly being able to read into the stars. However, she had a rather obvious hatred towards Scaramouche, yet she also appeared to have a crush on him. You chose not to read into it as to not confuse yourself any more.

"Hello." Razor said, staring blankly. He seemed simple, but still nice. You didn't really have much else to think about the wolf boy.

"Uh...hey y/n!" Bennett sent an awkward yet wide smile your way. You'd only spoke to Bennett in your PE class, but he seemed incredibly kind, even though he has bad luck. Well, bad is a big understatement. He was clearly nervous to talk to you as well.

"Good evening Madam Y/n." Oz nodded towards you politely, so you nodded back. Oz was the only person you knew well besides Fischl. He was an amazing listener and let you talk to him about anything and everything.

"Hi everyone." You smiled at them all, your cheeks tinted slightly red at the sudden attention. You hated how easily your would go red at the smallest things.

For a few minutes, the room went silent. It wasn't a comfortable silence either, more of an awkward silence.

Mona spoke up as Bennett cleared his throat rather loudly.

Pretty Girl - Scaramouche/Wanderer x reader (chatfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now