"Ney, get up." I begin to shake him. "Ney." I repeat in a helpless tone, just wanting him to get up. I shake him some more, making him stir around.
"No mum I'm not getting up-" He murmurs, trying to hide under the covers. What the fuck.
"Neymar come on it happened again." I sigh, but he still doesn't budge. "Neymar!" I repeat, more sternly this time. This seems to thankfully work, because he quickly snapped up out of his moment, meeting my distressed face with his smiley one, completely oblivious of what's going on.

"Oh hey." He greets me in a raspy voice, smiling as he sees me. However, that smile quickly shifts into a different type of look when he takes a full look at me. "Woah, nice outfit." He smirks. I look down to what I was wearing; nothing but a bra and pants. I wasn't in the mood for that, so I pick up the nearest pillow, throwing it at him and hitting him in the face. "Ow!" He yelps as it comes into contact with his head. "What was that for!?" He asks, moving the pillow beside him so he could see me again, with an offended look plastered across his face.
"Ney I'm not fucking around here!" I tell him, clearly in distress; trying to remember as much as I could, and also stressing about what the fuck Sergi could be saying to everyone else if they were here too, which was likely. For some reason, after I said that, he looked like he was fighting back a smile. "What's that look for!?" I ask him, looking at his amused face.

"You're funny." He looks entertained by me.
"What?" I question seriously, not in the funny or joking mood at all. I need to stop getting myself in these situations.
"What you just said." A mischievous smile comes onto his face. I didn't know what he was talking about but I wasn't in the mood for this, so I decide to throw another pillow at him. "Avi!" He laughs, trying to dodge the pillow but failing miserably.

"Neymar this isn't funny!" I emphasise to him. "It happened again!" I remind him of our last situation in comparison to now. "Oh my fucking god." I groan as I get hit by the feeling of aching throughout my whole body, getting up from the bed and walking to the door, that I recall was the bathroom.
"What's happened again?" He asks cluelessly, looking far too chilled out and content. I open the door of the bathroom, needing a minute to get myself together.

"Eugh!" I retch, immediately slamming the door shut, almost throwing up myself.
"Yeah I wouldn't go in there." Neymar chuckles, running a hand through his messy hair as he sits up. "Suarez was in there earlier." I just let out a groan, lightly hitting my head on the wall, trying to work out why I decided to drink the amount I did.
"What's up with you?" He laughs at my mood.
"What do you think?" I ask him, still with my head on the wall. "Fuck me man." I groan; my headache becoming unbearable now. I hear Neymar laugh from the bed. "Neymar stop laughing!!" I emphasise to him, looking over my shoulder.
"Why?" He giggles.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that we all got far too drunk and probably did some stupid shit that lead us here again." I start to panic again. "Sergi's out there screaming the house down telling everyone god knows what." I add. "All I vaguely remember was we were walking around- I don't know how but we're back in the same damn room, how did we even- I don't know." I think aloud with my wandering mind. "-And then everything after Lionel's speech I have next to no memory of, and god knows what happened because here we are, in the same-" I carry on.

"Wait, what!??" He suddenly doesn't seem so chilled anymore. He props himself up on his elbows, coming out from the covers, revealing his shirtless self.
"And it would help if I had some damn clothes on." I mutter, picking up a rogue shirt from the floor which was definitely far too big bit at least it covered more. Neymar was just sat up, like he was frozen in place with his lips parted.

"Wait wait wait, Avi." He says quickly, making me stop speaking and look at him instead, stopping in my tracks. "You don't remember?" I see his face evidently drop as he speaks quietly.
"No!" I worry aloud, sitting back down on the bed. "I said I wouldn't do this again, I don't-"

Accidentally Married // Neymar Jr ~ DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now