Chapter 52

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I had a nightmare of Colon Balinger Toxic Gossip Train bitch last night I'm not okay but anyway hope you enjoy this one (also I've been mad ill recently)


"RIGHT okay everybody listen up!" Coach Luis bellows, gaining everybody's attention.
"And he's back to normal again..." Dani sighs at the usual bellowing belonging to the one and only Coach Luis who seems to have recovered from the near attempt of his life.
"Good times never last huh..." Adriano sighs.
"Damn right I'm back to normal Alves! And speaking of the word back, after what you and Adriano pulled, you better get used to each others! Because I'm making sure you're both skins for every single time you play football that isn't an actual match!" Coach Luis yells.
"I told you that would happen." Adriano huffs, annoyed with the punishment.
"I do think he's being a little bit harsh..." Dani complains.
"Guys you almost killed him off." Xavi inputs.
"It's not like it was on purpose or anything!" The two defend themselves, earning a pair of rolled eyes from Xavi.

"Now everybody gather round you know what we do here!" Coach Luis cuts them off, speaking again. "Register register register..." He scrolls on his phone for his register, adjusting the reading glasses he needed when using the device. As he takes his time to load up his phone, I look to the Neymar stood beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him as we wait to board. A smile comes onto my face as I look at him, he looked so happy; he was so happy. I rest my head on his shoulder as we wait. I feel him place a kiss on my head in return, causing me to smile even more until Coach Luis discovers something.

"Ugh! Who has gone on my notes!?" His face falls into an angry frown, seeing his phone has also been tampered with during his recovery, earning a few stifled laughs and giggles around from us all and the kids.
"Hey Coach I think that was you when you were really drunk." Suarez giggles, most likely being a culprit of the hijacking of the register, most likely due to his part during Coach's speech.
"I'll be damned it was me alright." Coach huffs, dismissing Suarez' 'theory'. "Okay, I'm just going to have to assume you're all here because for some reason, some buffoon has replaced my register with this disgusting photo of-" He says, squinting at the photo on his phone. "What must be Gerard because of the utter hideous-" He grimaces at whatever the duo managed to put on his phone whist he was beyond drunk.
"Can we just get on the plane!?" Gerard cuts him off sounding fed up.
"Okay everyone on and seen as though we don't have the register, if you forget your belongings or your kids... insurance should cover it, now everyone hurry up I need a lie down!" Coach Luis instructs before we follow his lead up the stairs to the plane.

"Oh I love being back." I laugh, watching the chaos unfold as everyone tries to wedge themselves onto the plane at once.
"I can't feel my back..." Neymar huffs from beside me.
"You're the one who insisted you carried everything earlier!" I laugh at him.
"I regret it now! It's like agreeing on plans when you're in a good mood then actually having to go."  He adds as we go up more steps, only cracking me up some more.
"Here, just pass me one-" I go to help but he cuts me off.
"No!" He refuses. "All good here, no worries, not a problem, light as a feather I don't even know why I was complaining." He brushes off, trying to convince me, or what looks like more of trying to convince himself at this point.
"Papai is so weird." Davi giggles at his dad.
"You've got that one right." I go along with it loudly so Neymar could hear, causing Davi to laugh some more as Neymar sticks his tongue out at us as we get to the top of the steps. As soon as we get to the top, he immediately gives away every bag he didn't need to be carrying to the closest attendant.

"Light as a feather huh?" I say in amusement, watching the relief wash over him after not having to carry all the things anymore.
"Shhh, it's just more convenient." He attempts.
"Sure..." I laugh at him.

Accidentally Married // Neymar Jr ~ DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang