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I'd slept with a guy...

Even saying it in my head made me giggle inside, it felt surreal, Jake was right, after kissing him I kinda knew, and my body knew long before my mind.

And now it was like my reality was completely flipped and the only thing I could think of was Jake and well... sex, id spent years not knowing I was gay, I thought there was just something wrong with me, like I was asexual or something, but now I knew...

I'd never even slept with anyone before, boy or girl, I felt silly admitting this and wasn't about to tell jake that, the truth was I never really felt ready for anything like that, and the one girl where I thought things were different, well, my body didn't react like it did with Jake

But it wasn't something guys talk about, I wasn't about to say to my friends about how I just wasn't feeling it, I mean us guys struggle to talk about our feelings let alone sex!

I blamed it on alcohol at the time, sure I'd had a drink that night but nothing too much, and then I found my self avoiding her until we broke up, it should have been a sign, and now its easy to look back and realise, but back then...

I kissed his forehead as we got up out of bed, having showered I felt I should try and keep my hands to myself this morning for as long as I could, although I must admit it sure was difficult.

Breakfast arrivied, delivered again by Rebecca, she wasn't talkative at all, and I kind of understood what Jake was saying yesterday about her being a big of a homophobe, and that this kind of behaviour was almost expected in some parts of the world.

I'd never experienced it before but I sure wasn't going to stop anytime soon, if anything it made me even more determind to make a point about it, but now wasn't the time, I was hungry, and the sight of freshly baked crossaints, a luxury I didn't think existed anymore was enough to distract me.

"jake" I said in excitmnet bringing the tray inside, "look at this" I smiled placing the tray on our little desk we had been using as a table.

"wow they smell so good" he sniffed the air near them licking his lips, we ate them in silence, and they were all gone rather too quickly, the flaky pasty just melting on the tongue its as if we were both savouring the taste to much to communicate anything between us.

I liked these momements with jake it was like we didn't always have to talk, sometimes a look from him would explain everything that was needed, or sometimes I would glance over at him and his tail would flicker slightly and it made me feel warm inside.

"what" he says as I find myself watching him again, " I dunno" I smile, "your just so..." I searched for the word but almost said it as a question, "beautiful?" he was hot, sexy, and he turned me on, but calling him beautiful seemed to be the only word I could voice.

He laughed pulling me in for a hug, the familiar smell of him now somehow intoxicating.

A knock at the door broke my thoughts, "come on, its 9am" Rebecca knocked again louder this time, it was a good job we were ready to go and we both tried to compose ourselves before entering the hallway.

"well im pleased to say quarenteen is over" Rebecca now allows herself to stand closer than she had been previously, her eyes darting between us, the air almost fills with a thick awkwardness as she continues to stare at us, her expression not changing.

"should we meet Hayden downstairs?" I ask trying to break the akwardmess, Rebecca nods but grabs my arm just as im about to walk off.

"wait" she says quietly, her voice different to how I've heard her before.

"you guys... you can't..." she starts as I see Jakes tail drop and I can sense the anger building in him, "we cant be gay?" he says almost confused

"well... no, its not quite like that..." I stop her before she can finish a new found belonong and wanting to protect jake from this kind of nonsense, "we don't give a shit what you think to be honest"

"You cant tell the others, they're strict about the Christian ways, please im trying to help"

"what do you mean your trying to help?" jake said a more serious tone to his voice, "why didn't you say anything earlier"

"I wasn't sure, its not my business, but if they find out..." she stops as her ears flick towards the staircase, "Everything ok up there becca? No infected?" the voice familiar it was haydens

"They're coming, one of them overlay, you know how it is for peoples first night"

"oh right, good morning, hope you slept well" Hayden now offers his hand to shake as we enter the reception area, "sorry about all the quarantine stuff, but now that's over we can get to it"

"yeah I slept in, sorry about that" I said seemingly going along with rebeccas story not quite shure what she meant about if they found out.

"that's ok, if you were late for church mind, that would be another matter" theres a tone to his voice which almost implies hes not quite joking.

"how did you get on with the application?"

"oh... we were so tired from travelling and we just forgot"

"no problem" hayden says handing over another copy, "just fill that out while we walk and talk, its important to get the detail down"

I glance over the questions before looking over at jake meeting his eyes, he looks over at Hayden and shakes his head scribbling some information down on the form.

Theres some benign questions like name, age, and occupation prior to the infection along with a section for other skills.

But then it takes a darker turn, it asks about sexual orientation, and then any sins the island should be concerned about, this is what Rebecca was talking about.

"this way guys" Hayden says walking us out the other entrance of the hotel onto a stretch of road where there were a few people wandering around going about their day.

Jake holds his clipboard at an angle and taps his pencil near the question about sexuality, a black line clearly in the hetrosexual box, a look on his face which says 'I don't like this'

I ticked the box labelled heterosexual, a box I'd ticked many times before on many forms, although now looking back on it why the electric company needed to know if I slept with men or not now seemed odd.

This feeling of hiding who I was also felt wrong, I wanted nothing more than to be back on my boat where things like this didn't matter, sure there was the constant searching for food, but still... that was better than this.

"so this is the grocery store, you'll get rations for the first week, but once we have assigned you a job you will get tokens like the rest of us to spend as you see fit" Hayden pointed to a little store, its windows filled with fresh bread and other homemade goods I'd not seend in months.

"theres a bar too" he points over to a wooden log cabin on the corner called 'the saint' "plenty of single girls your age on this island, and we have our own vicar should you want to settle"

"church is mandatory every Wednesday and Sunday, we must be thankful to the lord to keep us safe here"

That was it, I immediately took a dislike to him, the more he spoke the more this likn back to the church kept dropping into conversation, this wasn't a community it was a commune to push some religious agenda on its inhabitents

We have to get out of here I think over and over in my head, hoping somehow Jake can understand me.

FurZombie 2 - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now