Day two

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I perhaps had slept for a grand total of 30 minutes, and only then it was because my eyelids could not stay open anymore, the night was full of screams and gunfire off in the distance, I'd tried the phone several times during the night, but around 4am the line went dead, as did the power.

Now lay on the sofa the explosions had ceased for a least an hour or two now, they had become less and less as the night went on, my iWatch which I would religiously place on the wireless charger each night had given up and switched off, and now with the power off there wasn't a single battery clock in the apartment to understand what time it was.

It was daylight outside, although the sky was full of smoke and mist, the light had an eerie darkness to it, like the moments just before the sun would come up, it was light yes, but it wasn't at all daylight as I knew it.

For the first time it was quiet outside, well.... relatively quiet, peering out the windows the highstreet was mostly clear, only a few stragglers would wander past, I'd not seen anyone alive walk or run past though, and I had been keeping a keen eye out since the sun rose.

I wondered where Tim was, if he had made it somewhere safe, perhaps he was holed up somewhere like this but just across the street, I idly looked up to the windows, their curtains open in a similar looking apartment above a café but no one was home.

I'd switched the TV on last night just to hear another voice, just so I knew I wasn't going insane and what I saw outside was real, sure enough the news reporter had stated parts of France were in lockdown due to a new unknown virus, but as quick as reports came in the news changed, they hadn't used the zombie word, but instead called them the infected and stated the 'army were dealing with it'

I was in the middle of that 'dealing with it' last night, and from what I could see, they had trouble distinguishing the average zombie from a normal person, it wasn't long before the TV went offline, no news was broadcast and now the power was off anyway

The city where I lived was big sure, but there were reports on the news from pretty much every other major city, the sheer number of infected people, the number of Zombies... people didn't stand a chance.

Pins and needles flew through my body when I thought back to Charlotte, she was ill yesterday, was she infected with it? I had seen her only the day before, was I infected?

I felt my forehead with the back of my paw, 'I don't feel warm' I tried to re-assure myself, wondering when I would turn into a flesh eating ghoul in a cruel twist of irony where I had escaped the zombies only to get sick anyway

I had seen the others turn in the street once bitten, I knew that much, and I hadn't been bitten.

'but what about that cut on your foot' my brain reminded me.

I untied the towel to inspect the wound, my pad seemingly stitched itself back together with a crust of dried blood around the base, sure I still limped when I walked, but it didn't look... infected, it looked normal so maybe I was OK.

I still didn't understand how people got sick, sure it based through being bitten, I'd seen that, but people must have turned without getting bitten, who was the first? Was it airborne? Or could the virus work itself into cuts and open wounds

I looked down at my paw again, I needed to do something more permanent with it, I couldn't just wrap tea towels around it, I needed a proper bandage of some description

I made my way to the bathroom where I found a small first aid kit, inside there was slim pickings, no plasters left and the scissors missing along with the tape, but there was a padded bandage thankfully, and I quickly wrapped my paw back up with the more appropriate dressing.

FurZombie 2 - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now