I don't want to die

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I stood there against the glass, pressing back against the zombie lady with as much force as I could muster, her skin was loose and coming away from the bone, it seemed impossible, the black bile and her inky blood making the fur on my paws wet, it was like they were being dipped in treacle, the substance thick and sticky.

She lunged again as the pressure on my back ceased, a shattering noise filled the air as I fell onto a table in the store, its wooden top jarring into my back with a sudden thud

The zombie crashed to one side of the table and I another, my paws scrambled to get myself upright, the zombie was intent on getting to me via the most direct route, instead of walking around the table she clawed her way through the heavy oak legs, twisting and winding her way through the gaps, this was my chance.

I looked forward away from the high street deeper into the store, a door leading to the staff room I hoped, or perhaps the kitchen, I darted between the tables weaving a path between them, the store only small with probably 20 tables at most, a counter over to the right with the coffee machines, tomorrow's croissants and bread rolls stacked neatly in the display.

I glanced over my shoulder as I heard more glass shattering behind me, more zombies were now interested in the store, climbing through the broken window, their eyes fixated on me as I ran through the tables, their movements odd as they followed, not looking where they were going at all, their heads solely focused on their prey, their bodies crashing over the tables and anything else in their way causing them to stumble and lose ground.

'Please don't be locked' my heart raced as I pressed towards the two doors I could see, one had a picture of a stick man and women engraved on the door, most likely the toilets, the other a large sign saying 'Staff'.

my elbow bashed the door open, the stainless steel counter on the other side shuddering as it stopped the door in mid swing, I pushed through frantically looking for some kind of lock but there was none.

I looked over at the counter and almost without thinking I dragged it in front of the door, the legs squealing as it scraped along the floor, I had to use all my might to do so before eying up a large stainless steel fridge, I noticed the wheels on the bottom and immediately pushed it towards the door, it wobbled precariously as it moved across the tiles, pushing with all my strength it jolted as I neared the door, the cable was hardwired into the wall pulling at the fridge, meanwhile its momentum kept it moving forward causing it to collapse in a heap against the steel counter.

The kitchen echoed like I'd dropped a thousand knives and forks into a metal sink, I stepped backwards away from the door, the air filled with the sound of sirens in the background and the ringing out of sporadic gunfire, my paws shook, in fact my whole body trembled as my eyes fixated on the door, the only thing between me and... them...

The door went with a thud, the counter shaking as it held shut, the heavy fridge acting as a wedge against it, 'I can't leave it like that' I thought, dragging more counters over, pushing them against the array of objects now blocking the door, several thuds continued as more zombies tried to get in, each thud making me jolt my head around the room.

I didn't have a plan, I was making this up as I went along, it wasn't what I was good at, even when my life depended upon it.

There was a fire escape looking door near the back which I pawed towards softly, opening it gently I could see the back alley, but I soon slammed it back shut as I saw more zombies running through the alley, one of their heads snapping towards the open door just as I closed it, now an angry zombie banged up against my only escape route.

'fuck' I cursed to myself slumping into a heap on the floor, the bangs alternating between the kitchen door and the fire escape.

I looked out onto the white tiled floor of the kitchen and was alarmed to see blood smeared around in paw steps, I lifted my feet up and noticed my pad on my right foot was cut pretty deep, probably from the broken glass

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