"nope" clay shook his head, pulling off the lie only a little to well to the point where georges captain thought he was lying.

"are you sure?" she asked, george looking at her in confusion as he realized she thought clay was lying.

"i wouldn't have said no if i wasn't sure of myself" clay cocked his head to the side a little bit, his confidence and sarcasm catching both george and his captain by surprise.

"where were you at about Twelve in the afternoon last Monday?" she shut her fake folder, crossing her legs and interlocking her fingers on her knee. george looked extremally confused until he realized she was accusing him of being a world wanted criminal.

"with my daughter, at my house, after george bailed on brunch" clay paused between his sentences, his tone coming off as a little rude which was starting to piss off the captain. though george also found something strange, the way clay was comfortable, the way he was acting, it was like he had been in this situation multiple times before.

"can she cooperate that story?" she asked with a stern voice, though her words made clay and george a little angry. the audacity she had to want to bring ivory down to the station, a fifteen year old girl.

"if you dont believe me then i submit to a polygraph, aren't those things insensible?" clay shrugged, brushing off the question about bringing ivory down to the station.

george rose an eye brow at his confidence, not liking the idea but if clay had nothing to hide then why would he submit to such things. The captain debated her options, before calling in someone to actually do the polygraph.

clay had to take off his hoodie, revealing a long sleeve that seemed to hug his body only a little to tightly. but nothing the less he let george and the captain wrap the heart monitors around his body.

there was one around his torso, one around his bicep, one around his wrist and little ones on all five of his right fingers. it was standard set up, but it was more uncomfortable then clay ever imagined it would be.

"is your name clay Davidson?" the captain asked, everyone in the room knowing it was just a question to regulate the polygraph machine.

clay said yes, the man at the machine holding up a shaky thumb to show the blonde wasn't lying. though it was just his name, not much to lie about.

they fire balled questions, clay passing every single one just according to his plan. george seemed content with what was happening, however the captain seemed angry. like she knew clay was lying but couldn't prove it.

they were about to wrap up, until her last question caught everyone in the room by surprise. one that made clay freeze a little bit, and one that made george semi angry for her accusing him of such things.

"are you the criminal known as dream?" she asked calmy, watching the blonde movements as the question was asked.

clay froze a bit, though no one noticed. he looked up from his hands that he was fidgeting with, locking eyes with the captain and answering simply.

"no." clay answered simply, his tone showing a little aggravation and george could tell. he was a little afraid of clay just getting up and walking out but nothing the less he stood by the door and waited until the man at the machine held up his thumb again, signaling clay was in fact not lying.

"i would have to study the data but just eye balling it, he told the truth" the man spoke with a grim voice, one that showed exhaustion and tiredness despite it being nine in the morning.

the captain let out an audible scoff, one that made clay shake his head in annoyance.

"look, i am not this criminal you seem to think i am. Sure, i knew nick, sure i got arrested with him but that sure as hell doesn't make me dream" clay stood up, ripping off the Velcro monitors with a little aggression.

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