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it has been a few days, george has put of asking clay about nick for as long as he could but he knew he had to soon. and seeing as the two were eating breakfast in their kitchen after dropping ivory off at school, it was the perfect time.

"So- my boss had me looking through some files the other day about Sapnap, there was one file that had be a little confused" clay could hear the nervousness in georges tone, meaning clay had every reason to be terrified.

"go on?" clay questioned, masking the tone of fear behind a simply tired voice. george didnt seem to take any attention to clays words, but going on nothing the less.

"you and him got arrested for a liquor store robbery?" georges words let clay mentally calm down, knowing that it was nothing serious and that the police weren't onto him at all.

"yeah- we were being stupid. I wanted to get ivory something for her birthday but since I was seventeen, my trust was frozen and my parents didnt like the idea of me having a kid so young." clays words made perfect sense, but to george they made a little to much sense. like they had been prepared.

"but you two knew each other?" george questioned again, clay raising an eyebrow at georges curiosity. though the brunette had every reason to be curious, it was almost scary to clay knowing george could be on to him as a police man.

"we went to high school together, after i got arrested because of him though i stopped talking to him" clay spoke with a weak smile, putting his cereal bowl into the sink without a care in the world about what george was really at.

"i dont know if you have any plans but my boss wants a statement from you, everyone's on edge with Sapnap back out and they are just trying to find him- i know you aren't involved but she wont stop until you do come in" george reasoned, him sounding almost scared of what clay might say.

"okay" clay shrugged, walking towards his bedroom with ease. He really didnt care to go in, but he knew it would make george happy if he did. when he brought ivory to school, he dropped by the warehouse and brought Sapnap food, giving him instructions on where to go if he Absolutley needed to leave.

george cleaned up the kitchen, soon enough the two making it to the police station and several eyes landing on the brunette and blonde when they walked in. The police knew george as just a police man, though georges captain knew otherwise. and you can imagine the shock on her face when she watched him walk in with no one other than his husband, clay Davidson, Well Clay Huff at the time, someone who knew nick as a kid.

the three got situated in a questioning room, clay looking only a little to comfortable for either george or his captains liking. But nothing the less she began asking the blonde questions.

"you and Nick went to high school together, correct?" she sat down in front of clay, holding a vanilla folder that was in reality empty but clay didnt know that.

but he did, he knew how everything worked in places like this. however he didnt mention it, due to his husband being in the room and very susceptible to what he says.

"yes, that's right" clay spoke back, squinting his eyes slightly at the women Infront of him as he seemed to study the wrinkles and marks on her worn face.

"when was the last time you spoke to him?" she looked up from her fake file, seeing the blonde was already looking at him.

"i visited him a few times in prison but i dont think iv actually talked to him in- at least seven years" clay spoke with exaggeration, something george didnt know the blonde was capable of.

but his words made perfect sense.

"has he tried to contact you since he was released?" she said with skeptic lining her words, looking at clay as if she was searching for something.

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