Chapter 19 To the Farm

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"Are you coming too?" I asked her.

Our heads turned to the sound of the pick-up coming out of the garage.

"You are coming with us too Miss Dahlia?" äke also asked her.

Otto circled around the fountain and pulled over at the front of the porch. He came out of the truck, a sheepish look on his face.

"I invited Ms. Dahlia Sir," Otto answered äke instead.

"Well, we can huddle inside the pick-up. It would be a bit cramped but it will be manageable," äke said.

"The three of us older men can sit in the back. Arystan and Miss Dionna can sit in the front. Let's go."

"Uh. Excuse me Sir but I can ride at the back."

Äke stopped walking and looked back to her. I raised a brow at her without realizing.

"I'm wearing a parka Sir so it's okay. I don't want to inconvenience Sir Arystan. It would be stuffy and uncomfortable for both of us in the front seat."

"You mean at the back outside? No. That would not do Miss. I would rather seat in there than you."

"I don't want to inconvenience anyone Sir. Please. If this is about courtesy because I'm a woman, I don't mind at all. I'm used to the outdoors and I will be fine with a mere winter wind."

Yeah. She hiked through the American states after all. But I can't let her sit back there alone. It's not right even if she thinks she can manage.

"Don't worry äke. I'll accompany her," I told my father.

"Are you sure? The wind is much colder today. Wear your mittens at least."

"I'll be fine. We are delayed long enough. It's nearly sundown."

"Okay, okay. Please be careful the both of you."

Äke climbed on the front seat while the uncles sat on the back. I covered my head with my parka's hood and walked off to the back of the truck. Miss McCrae followed after me.

"You will be cold Sir," she told me.

I lend her a hand to help her climb up to the pick-up bed.

"I'll be fine."

I sat at the corner, leaning against the back of the pick-up. She chose her seat on the opposite corner and the car started on the road. My teeth clenched when the wind started blowing on my face. I kept my hands in the pockets of my jacket, enclosing them with my folded knees and stomach. Riding back here is a very bad idea.

"Are you okay Sir?" I heard Ms. McCrae ask.

I can only nod in response with my eyes closed. A few seconds later, I felt a bit warm. I opened my eyes to see Ms. McCrae sitting close, her body leaning against me.

"We will be sitting at the front when we go back home Sir," she told me.

My heart thumped loudly and I felt the blood rush to my face. She is so close.

I can only nod at her again.

"Are you warm enough?"

Another nod.

"Getting mittens could have taken only a minute Sir if you ran for it."

I smiled to myself. Well, not getting them doesn't seem so bad now. I just hope that she won't hear my heart beating loud.

"Are you used to harsh weather?" I asked her to divert my attention.

"Not really Sir. But I like to think that I am."

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