What's ironic, is that he drops the towel as he says that. My eyes immediately fall down to his lower half. Oh my god. He can't be doing this right now.

I hold back a whine, raising my eyes back to his face. He has a satisfied smirk on his face. I shake my head. "There's no way you're saying that as you drop your towel. Now you're just being a dick."

"Boo-hoo." He teases.

He grabs his boxers, sliding into them. I just watch as he gets dressed, deciding what my options were. He buttons his pants, and turns back around to grab his shirt.

I step forward. "Please..?" I whine. "I'll be nice."

He sucks in a breath. He turns back to me. "Hyunjin, No." he says, pushing me back a little bit. "I told you why already. Go read a book or something. No, touching."

I sigh. "Okay.." I say. I step forward again. "But that doesn't mean I can't kiss you."

I reach my hand up to cup his jaw, looking into his pretty eyes. He chuckles. "You shouldn't."

"Watch me." I say, leaning into him.

I press my lips onto his, my eyes falling shut. The fluttery feeling spreads throughout my whole body, and I feel like sticking my foot up like they do in the cartoons.

He doesn't pull away, in fact, he actually leans into me more. He chases my lips. It's like he can't get enough, just like me. I start to include tongue, but that's when he pulls away from me.

His hands hold my waist, as he catches his breath. "Too much." He says, pushing me away. "You need to go shower."


"Go shower. Now." He says, firmly.

He looks away from me, putting his shirt on. He turns back around, and I can only huff and puff at him. It doesn't phase him. He still stands facing away from me, picking through his bag some more.

I just sigh. "Fine. You win."

I start to take heavy steps towards the bathroom, closing the door hastily. I hate Minho now. Forget anything sweet I ever said about him, he's just a stupid tease.

I take a quick shower. I wouldn't even say I was in there for more than fifteen minutes. I didn't even feel like using all the fancy samples they give you. I had a certain feeling to face instead.

Never again.

Ugh. Ew.

I run the brush through my hair again, slicking my long hair back. I'm thinking of cutting it. Maybe dying it. I don't know, I'll see. I don't really like to die my hair that much, unless I have too. I like when my hair is bouncy and healthy.

I wrap the towel around my waist tightly. I am not letting anything slip. I turn to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. Minho looks up at me. He's sitting on the couch while typing on his phone.

I try to ignore his eyes, going straight towards my bag and facing away from him. I can hear him chuckle.

"You're upset?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No." I say, simply.

I am not upset. I am not going to get all petty and sad that he didn't want to do anything. I am just upset that he could tease me like that. I am going to get him back one day. Maybe now, if I can manipulate this.

"Mhm." He says.

I keep silent. I take out an outfit I packed. I turn around to face him, to see he is already looking at me. He raises a brow at me. I start to think of some that might irk him.

I stay completely silent. I turn away, heading back to the bathroom to change instead. I know he wasn't expecting it, because I hear him scoff as I walk.

"Seriously?" He asks.

I turn around before I close the bathroom door. "What?" I ask. "I thought you made some rule. No touching... or looking. Nothing." I say, before closing the bathroom door.

"Unbelievable." I hear him mutter through the door.

I can't help but smile. Touché?

I exit the bathroom again, this time in a different mood. I look better now, my hair drier and neater and my clothes nice and styled. I'm wearing baggy jeans with a graphic t-shirt.

He is still sitting on the couch on his phone. He doesn't look up at me this time. I just start to hum a tune— ignoring him as well. I hear him let out a sigh, and I turn to face him.

He's looking up at me as he sits on the couch. "I have an idea." He says.

I pipe up. "What's that?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Let's go shopping today." He says as she stands up to my level. He puts his phone in his back pocket. "I saw all the little stores when he arrived. We should go check them out together."

I hum, nodding my head. "Okay, sounds fun." I turn back to my bag. "I don't think I brought that much money with me though."

I take my hand bag, which contains my wallet and phone. As well as my little things, like chapstick. I hear him begin to speak again, so I turn around to face him.

"That doesn't matter." He shrugs. "We can just go to spend time together. And if you do happen to find or want anything, I can buy it for you." He speaks happily, like he's excited.

I start to smile. "You're sweet, but I'd feel bad."

"Don't feel bad." He starts to walk closer to me and the door. "It's my treat. I'm offering."

I giggle. "Okay then. Let me get my shoes on." I crouch down to the floor, taking my shoes out from underneath the bench. I just plop down on the floor, sliding the shoes on and tying my laces.

He holds out his hand. I take it, standing up. "Thank you." I mumble, fixing my wrinkled shirt.

He chuckles. He walks over to the door as I dust my pants off. He puts his hand on the nob. "You ready to go?"

I raise a brow. "I think so? Uhh.." I start to look around the room, seeing if i missed anything I might need. "Um— yeah. I'm ready." I face him again.

He nods and opens the door. "After you, my prince." He says teasingly, but I find it a little more attractive that I should. His sly smile makes me start to blush as I walk out the door.

"Now you're pushing it." I say.

He chuckles.

I smile. I wait for him to step out as well, closing the door behind him. He looks at me. He offers me his hand, which is very unexpected. I take it without a doubt in my mind.

would you guys be interested in reading some of my prompts/poetry? if so, i can give you the @ for my tiktok account. :)

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