Spring Rolls - Pizza

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- 2 Cups Vegetable Oil for Frying

- 2 Cups Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

- 1/2 Cup Pepperoni Slices, Quartered

- 1/2 Cup Pizza Sauce

- 10 Egg Roll Wrappers

- 1 Large Egg, Beaten


- In a large, heavy bottomed pot over medium-high heat, add vegetable oil. It should measure to a depth of about 1". Heat until oil reaches 350F

- Line a large plate with paper towels and set aside

- In a medium bowl, mix together cheese, pepperoni, and pizza sauce

- Lay an egg roll wrapper with the point facing towards you. Spoon 2 tbsp filling onto the middle of the wrapper. Brush egg onto opposite two sides of wrapper. Roll up like a burrito, making sure all filling is sealed inside. Repeat with remaining wraps and filling

- Place 4 rolls in hot oil and cook 2 minutes per side, until golden brown. Remove oil and place on lined plate. Repeat with remaining rolls


I did the rolls two at a time due to space, but it all worked out. The rolls get a little more golden brown after you take them out and they start cooling. I doubled the recipe (and didn't measure when I was spooning them into the wrappers to be fair, I just did what looked good) and only got about 12 rolls out of it. The 12 rolls had what I think was a pretty good amount of filling but next time I'll try it actually measuring how much I put in and following the instructions to see if it works better

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