Chris x x-virus ch 1

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X-virus pov I was walking home when I realized I was lost dang it fuck this world right in it face y-o-u l-o-s-t l-i-t-t-l-e k-i-t-t-y? who said that as I tripped on a rock and fell fuck me.
D-a-r-l-i-n-g y-o-u r-e-a-l-l-y s-h-o-u-l-d-n't s-a-y s-u-c-h l-a-n-g-u-a-g-e. show yourself now?
A boy jumped down from the tree and landed right in front of me he had brown is black hair and gray long sleeve with a best over it he also was wearing black sweats with a half covering his eyes mask with black eye holes he also had a baseball bat that was just like mine he also was wearing Converse and had a mole on the left side of his face and on the right side he had a cut through his lip.
W-i-l-l h-e-l-l-o t-h-e-r-e m-y d-a-m-s-e-l i-n d-i-s-t-r-e-s-s.
I am not your fucking princess and second of all put me down. I said as pick me up and started carrying me in his arm at least tell me you're fuc  name. Don't touch that.
I-t C-h-r-i-s a-n-d y-o-u a-r-e?
Coby. I said as I fell asleep from blood loss.

Chris pov l was walking through the forest with the boy that I had now known as Cody he was kind of cute maybe I could take him back to my cabin when I Heard a voice say
Hi Chris what are you doing no this side of the word.

Oh oh just bringing something back to Slender Man I think he might not appreciate it if he found me with one of his proxy?

What proxy?
Oh you done something terrible my guy I guess I'll start digging your grave.

Why if slender finally ready to kill l and I broke a thousand of his rules so I'm surprised he didn't do it sooner.

Oh boy I'm not talking about slender the boy you currently have in your hand is known as x-virus and is the brother of ticci-toby are you just bearing yourself especially when we find out that you have his baby brother.

I Moon mean I kind of did take a while for him to fully trust me so technically not my fault if I touched his baby brother

Your still dead

Oh whatever.

(A/n) l'm finally done with this.

Ticcivirus one socksWhere stories live. Discover now