the good boy you bring home to Mom

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Ticci Toby's POV lira I am not letting him meet you people one we have a child second of all dad is a fuckin abusive asshole and third of all you might traumatize him because of how his past life was.

Lira over the phone.
Oh come on Toby l want to meet this guy that you apparent are dating and have kids with we need to meet him before you marry him or have sex with him.

First of all we already did and second of all if you hurt my beloved waffle boy I will inject all of you with God damn Middleton/Coronateavirus.

Lira are on the phone
Okay I'll see you when you get here little bro also whoever just threatened me I love you you better take care of my baby brother or even?

Iove l'm sorry I said as I ripped over to put my arm on his shoulder I know you didn't want to come with me.
But I l-love you.

I love you to Toby.
x-virus said he was still on the phone with x-cure.

X-virus are you sure you people are capable of handling Renee you know she has autism.

X-cure on the phone.
Coby calm down Renee is going to be fine she already cuddled up in her heating blanket right now and Jeff and her are already fast asleep cuddly I can send you a picture if you want?

X-virus on the phone.
Okay but if anything goes wrong make sure to call me her pills are in the cabinet and you knew what to do if she gets upset right?

X-cure on the phone.
No what do you mean upset? I didn't know she could feel emotion calm down Coby l'm messing with you and my phone is charging right now so her sound damn whatever you called it is already programmed on my phone.

You better be or your dead.

Honey please don't scare your cousin half to this before as long as Renee is okay then that's fine besides your sister doesn't need to know we have three kids.

Chris that why the only bring me and Jasmine.

Yes besides we're only staying for one night we're just worried about your sister she's never been without us before and you know how she can get and Renee is our only child that we didn't adopt no offense we love you Chris.

(A/n) okay so let me explain it Cody and Toby have three child.
Chris who is the oldest who is 13 years old and was adopted 2 years ago he was 11 when they had adopted him and then there's Jasmine who is a baby and Toby and Coby had after the lemon chapter but we're going to pretend that it was a long time ago they first had Renee when they were settling into their first house and decided they wanted the child four years later the doctors told Cody because Toby was out on a mission that Renee had autism. And then they had Jasmine who is the baby of the family oh and Renee was 11 years old and is non-binary but we used pronouns she/her.
Okay now back to the short story.

I'm not ready to meet your family toby.

Don't worry about it love. they will love you just as much as I love you.

Besides they have grandchildren but just in case my dad tries to do anything I brought your baseball bat and my hats. In our car.

Knock knock.
Don't worry just let me do the talking after all my family.

Toby's mom.
Toby oh show me my grandchildren.

Hello my name is Coby and my son partner.

Oh my goodness you are wonderful I'm liara Toby's sister.


Hun just goes with it.

Oh this is Jasmine our youngest she is one month old Lira would you like to hold her?

Yes of course I would.
You're adorable she smiled at me.

Ticcivirus one socksWhere stories live. Discover now