I grab the albums of the baby's first year of life and then grab my computer from my office.

Before I enter the kitchen, I stand behind the pillar next to the back door.

"You are some beautiful babies," Clarke says, holding their little hands. He stares at them, like he wants to memorize each aspect of the baby's features.

"I'm sorry," he tells them, patting their hair down. "I failed your mommy and you, but I will change for you," he tells them, holding them closer and giving their heads a kiss.

I really hope he does not fail them like he failed me.

"I want to show you something," I tell him, putting the albums and computer down.

"What is it?" He asks, Pick up Bella and sit her down on the high chair. "A few pictures and videos of them." I smile at Elio as I put him in his highchair.

"I'm going to cut up some fruit for them; I'll show you then," I tell him, grabbing the fruit from the kitchen.

I place two plates down and start cutting their fruit into small pieces.

Looking back, I see Clarke playing with them. They smile at him, their little dimples in clear view.

They got those from him.

"Alright kiddos, its time to eat," I tell them, putting their plates down on their little table.

I grab a wipe, clean their little hands, and let them eat.

Clarke watches them closely.


I'm proud of her.

She managed to do it all by herself.

I just wished I was there to be by her side for all of it. Their first steps, their first words

I regret it all, moving on so fast, and deciding Xavier was the key to success.

I'm glad that motherfucker is dead.

Diana stands on the other side of the kitchen counter, opening what I'm guessing is the baby's photo album.

My babies are the most beautiful things God has given me.

They will be what I live for, beside their mothers.

They are why I am able to become a father and why I'm going to become a better version of myself.

It sounds stupid as fuck right now, but I am going to do everything for them. My three kids

Diana smiles at the babies.

I imagined this a long time ago.

Us. Our kids. All of it.

If it wasn't for Xavier being up my sleeve all that time ago, I would have taken her away with me.

She would have been by my side.

But I messed it all up. I would be lying if I said I don't love her.

Or if I said I didn't imagine her when Ignacia was over me, riding me with breathless moans,

Fuck I only ever imagine her.

She was what I'd always wanted. Under me, over me, fuck everywhere, just on me.

"Want to see their first sonograms?" Diana interrupts my thoughts.

Yea," I reply, grabbing the babies plates and setting them in the sink.

Here," she hands me two black and white sonograms. I smile looking at those white balls; they were barely coming into existence.

That is what we created.

"I wish I could've been there," I tell her, handing her the sonograms back.

She nods her head, sliding the photo album in front of me.

"These pictures are of them when they were just a couple months old," she explains, opening the first page.

They are the three of them. In the same front entrance.

Diana was smiling while holding the tiny babies in her arms.

She did it.

I enjoy passing each page and seeing how the babies keep getting bigger.

My family.  My blood.  My loves.

I can't ignore the ache I feel, knowing I missed their most important milestones.

They needed me, but my selfish actions refused them all.

"You know they do that same thing with their mouths when they don't like anything, just like you." I look over at Diana, and I smile.

"Do they now?" I ask, looking over at the babies.I ask, leaning closer to them and gabbing Bella's little hand.

Oh, she will undoubtedly be a daddy's girl.

I know it.

"Yea, and only baby Elio sees your seriousness," she reveals. I look over at my boy and smile proudly.

"Well, he's going to be the 'straight to business' type," I say, as Diana shakes her head.

"Thank you, Diana, for letting me get to know them," I tell her. I am completely being sincere.

"The kids have no fault; I grew up with both my parents, so I know I want the same for my kids," she tells me.

"You also need to show them that you really want to be their dad." She moves around the island and picks Elio up out of his highchair.

"I will," I promise her.

"I will," I promise her

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