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Hello everyone!

I've recently spoken to Wattpad user @MadeInWicklow about his three HG books, and decided to post it here as our first interview. Please, go and check out Cian's works, leave positive feedback, and let me know who would be suitable for a future interview!


Q: You're a user with a large number of reads, votes and comments on your HG books. How do you feel about having such numbers on the site? I'm guessing you never expected to have over one million reads on your first book!

A: Honestly, it makes me feel great! Writing was something I turned to out of boredom during Transition Year - a year in Irish secondary schools where you do nothing basically - as something to occupy myself. I never imagined I'd gain such an audience and it makes me feel hopeful for a writing career in the future!

Q: You've also inspired many other people to write - to the point where there are fan fictions of your book! How does that make you feel?

A: I know! It's so surreal! It honestly makes me so happy to think I have been a part of encouraging others to write, because it really is such an amazing outlet.

The Ultimate Games was always something I loved writing because it wasn't like the Hunger Games. The focus wasn't on a love triangle, and it certainly wasn't altered to be child friendly. I wrote cruel, sadistic and crazy characters and I focused on the death-match idea which was a risk, but I am so glad it paid off. I still get messages off people saying they love characters I can just about remember (I know, I'm so bad haha), and it makes me feel so unbelievably happy!

Q: One character that seems to have stuck from your first book is Florence. Having extremists in the book definitely helped - Iris is another one who people often remember!

Let's discuss your second book for a little bit! What really persuaded you to write a sequel? Was it also boredom in the Transition Year, or was it the fans hoping for more in future Panem?

A: Yes. I love creating characters like that. Florence was definitely my all time favourite, I mean, a twelve year old sadist! Come on!

After The Ultimate Games, I had no plans to write another (let alone a third!) but honestly the fans (yes, I've been on Wattpad long enough that I still call followers 'fans') were so persistent that it almost became overwhelming. My inbox was flooded with requests to write more, or to write an alternate ending and although it drove me to take a brief break from Wattpad, it made me release how attached people had become to my alternate version of Panem and it was honestly touching.

I chose to write a second because I realised how popular my story had become and also, how much fun I had writing it. I loved trying to come up with different twists and shocking cliffhangers that made me want to write more and more. Basically, I owe everything to my readers because they encouraged me to keep writing and they effectively built the story with me.

Q: The readers are super dedicated - when people write for other people, I think it's pretty special! And I must admit, the twists in the second book were incredible though - the sirens that drove Osmo insane were my favourite! Saying that, Echo and Osmo are my favourites from everything you've wrote, haha.

I mean, the book was so good that you got a place in the Watty Awards in 2013! It must've been heartbreaking when you didn't win, but I can also imagine that you were overwhelmed to have a book place as a finalist in the biggest Watty competition. How did you feel when you knew your book was selected as a finalist?

A: Aw thank you, it means a lot when people say they connected with my characters! Well when I initially placed, I was so shocked because I remember my year was very One Direction based. I was the only non-1D fan fiction in my category so I was honored to be representing Panem again those idiots! I was quite disappointing I didn't win, but Man Hunt won a Watty this year so it's all gooood :P

Q: Now, your third - and ongoing - book is also receiving a lot of positive attention. Is there anything you want to reveal that people may not already know, such as ideas for a twist in the arena, or character alliances or enemies?

A: Yes! I chose to write the third one because I too had grown so attached to my characters that I wanted there to be a proper conclusion to the story.

I don't think there is anything I can- ooh! If you check out my new trailer, there are some very important hints in it that give teasers for what the arena will be! Along with some twists that will be featured in it. I will not be giving too much away though!

Q: Of course you can't give too many things away - that would spoil the suspense!

Do you have characters that you're still attached to? From any of the books? Character relationships are important - without them, they can't be enjoyed by the readers, I find.

A: Oh yes, I have so many tributes that I have a soft spot for :P Pod, Florence, Iris, Reina, Mia, Osmo, Echo, Gauze, Bliss and of course I loved Nymphadora and Piper! I do get really attached to my characters. I don't want to reveal too many of my favourites from book three in case it reveals who will be surviving longer than others, but I do really like Marcus and I'm very excited to be writing in Capitol tributes!

Q: One character that's extremely popular in the third book of yours is Viola Storm. As another extremist in your books, she was definitely sure to gain attention. How does Viola compare to Florence in terms of popularity and attention?

A: Yes, Viola seems to be one of the favourites so far (what is wrong with you sickos?! :P) I think Florence has gotten more attention because my readers have just met her, but I think more people will like her when they get to know her better. Florence was a downright psychopathic sadist, but Viola is the way she is because of the life she's has. Plus she doesn't torture her victims, she makes it as quick and as painless as possible. Although cannibalism is still quite disturbing!

Q: Cannibalism - the unspoken rule of Panem! Anyway, I know you get asked this an awful lot, but do you have any tips for newer writers? Anything at all, from motivational techniques to character development to public audience?

A: Hahaha yes I do get this a lot! Basically just write for you. Don't worry about how many (or how little) people are reading your stuff, because at the start, that will make it all very disheartening. In the beginning, you may only have a few readers but they will eventually come!

The only way you can improve your writing is by doing it constantly. Good writing is one of those things that you have to learn along the way, so your first book(s) will generally be embarrassments in comparison to later works - well, mine are anyway!

So to summarise, do not worry about reads at the beginning. Also, practice, practice, practice! And finally, it really does help to be a reader! You learn a lot about what works and what doesn't from other authors!

Q: Thank you for answering my questions! Any last words?

A: The only thing certain in life is death. You make think the writing industry is tough (which it is) and therefore think you'll never make it, but if you want to be the next Suzanne Collins or the next J.K Rowling, then you can! There's nothing stopping any of you!


So, that was my interview with @MadeInWicklow. Leave any suggestions to who you'd like to see interviewed next, and go and give Cian some love over on his profile! Also, stay tuned for updates for his third book, The Victor's Rebellion!

Hunger Games Fanfic Rec: InterviewsWhere stories live. Discover now