"How—" I began, "how can this be?" I whispered shakily, "This isn't real," I said, "This isn't real, this isn't real." The Darkling laughed, "Ooh it's very real, my little summoner."

"Now awake from your nightmares and tell Alina and the tracker of what you have foreseen," I blinked and then the next, the Darkling's lips were pressed to mine.

"Thank you," I heard.


I jolted up with a gasp, my heart pounding in my chest. I almost jumped when a hand came to rest on my shoulder, "Another nightmare?" It was Alina, I relaxed and nodded, "I keep seeing the same ones over and over," I whispered, "it's like a warning."

Alina grabbed my hand and whispered, "If he is alive...." she started, "he won't be long enough to get his hands on us."

I cracked a smile and nodded. I knew that she was just trying to make me feel better and safer but the words didn't do much to ease the uncertainty. We had left Os Kervo on the Verrhader two weeks ago, away from any trace of the Darkling if he had still survived.

Even going into Os Kervo was a risky trip, we had to go unnoticed, to make sure no Grisha had somehow crossed into the city of Novokribirsk and Os Kervo to peruse us. We had gotten lucky, yes, but there was no saying whether we would be lucky for long.

Rumors went around that Alina and I had died in the fold, helping the darkling expand it into Novokribirsk, but little did they know about Alina being forced to wear the stags antlers, and the Darkling using Merzost to rip away my sun-summoning abilities. They would know eventually, the truth of the black heretic.


The Verrhader made land, and Mal and Alina stood at the rail together, watching as the coast of Novyi Zem draw closer. We drifted into the harbor through an orchard of weathered masts and bound sails. There were sleek sloops and little junks from the rocky coasts of the Shu Han, armed warships and pleasure schooners, fat merchantmen, and Fjerdan whalers.

A bloated prison galley bound for the southern colonies flew the red-tipped banner that warned there were murderers aboard. As they floated by, I could have sworn I heard the clank of chains.

The Verrhader found its berth. The gangway was lowered. The dockworkers and crew shouted their greetings, tied off ropes and prepared the cargo.

I got to my feet and scanned the docks, searching the crowd for a flash of heartrender crimson or summoners blue, for the glint of sunlight off Ravkan guns.

I stepped over to the rail and Alina's hand slid into mine and squeezed it for reassurance. Mal gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before putting his arm around Alina's shoulders, holding her close. We didn't move for a while, just stood scanning before Mal gave a jerk of his head and we were walking forward. Our first rolling steps into the new world.

Please, I prayed silently to any Saints who might be listening, let us be safe here. Let us be home.


We'd been in Cofton for a week, and we were still getting lost. The town lay inland, west of the Novyi Zem coast, miles from the harbor where we'd landed. Soon we would go farther, deep into the wilds of the Zemeni frontier. Maybe then we'd begin to feel safe.

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