Were are the Oranges?

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(Hi sorry for the late update but here's a new chapter for ya)

No pov

"So how long have you two been a thing?" Asked zoro right as they sailed off

"Just over a year." Answered Uta

"Wait so you got married at 16!" Yelled zoro in surprise

"Yep shishi!" Luffy replied as he was hugging Uta from behind

"Well dam luffy how you pull that off?" Zoro asked after he calmed down

"Well that's a story for another time." Answered Uta

After that little conversation they just sat in silence listening to the waves as they passed. after 30 minutes of silence the silence was then broken by the yelling of luffy.

"Look it a bird we can catch it and eat it!" Luffy yelled as he looked up

"Ya and how are we going to get to the bird?" Asked zoro

"I'm going to grapple to it!" Luffy said as he pulled the super shotgun out of nowhere

'Where did he get the gun from!?' Thought zoro

"Wait luf-" said Uta right as he fired his weapon's hook at the bird and was then carried off to the bird

"That idiot he could have just shot the bird!" Yelled Uta

After a minute of silence and waiting for the bird to come down zoro asked.

"I think he is stuck in the bird's mouth?"

"Let's go get him then." Uta sighed

"And how the hell do we get up there!!" Yelled zoro

"Who said we are going up The bird is probably going to a island so we just follow it?" Uta said


"What are you waiting for start rowing after him!!" Uta yelled at zoro

Luffy pov

You may ask 'how did I get in this situation' and the answer is that I have no idea. Yep and you may be asking me why I didn't just shoot the bird that answer is that I just wanted to ride the bird but somehow ended up in its mouth.

"I could just shoot you but we're over the sea so please don't drop me." I beg as I hang from the birds mouth

But I don't think it hears me or it just doesn't care it drops me, yep I am falling down and i am not yelling timber. As I fall I see a island and it gets closer and closer and then it hits me.

As I get up from the impact zone I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey boss they all yours!" Said the voice as it passed me

"So you're her boss!" Yelled idiot 1

"What?" I ask confused

"Well it doesn't matter get him!" Yelled idiot 2

Before they could run at me I pull out my combat shotgun with the sticky bomb attachment on an shot a bomb at the guy in the middle. As the bomb landed on the middle man it exploded knocking out all 3 men. As I see them fall on the ground unconscious I wonder how they are alive considering that the bomb can kill a group of imps but I am cut off from my thoughts from the mystery voice.

"Thanks for getting rid of those guys!" Said the voice.

I look up to see a orange haired girl that I quickly recognized as nami.

"Oh hi nami!" I say in excitement

As I say that her face turned into a surprise face after seeing me.

"You?!" She said pointing at me

"Me!!" I say back

"How are you here?!" She said as she jumped down

"Plot." I said

"What?" She questioned

I was then saved by a explosion. Now that I think about it why was there a explosion.

"W-what was that?!" Yelled nami

"We call that a explosion dear." I said

"Shut it smart ass!" Nami said

"Fine but let's go check it out!" I said as I ran off

Uta pov

That dumbass he just had to get caught in a bird sailing to god knows where?! Am I mad YES who wouldn't be if there husband was just kidnapped by a bird! I am going to skin him when I get my hands on him!

"You ok there?" Asked zoro

"How can I just say luffy get carried away by a bird!" I yelled at him

"Calm down ok we're getting closer... I think?" Zoro said

"You think!" I yell at him

But before I could say anything else that may insult the human cactus I hear someone in the water.

"Help we're drowning!!" Said the man

"Yea I can see that get on." I said to the men

As they get on they pull out swords and point them at us.

"Ha this is the territory of the buggy pirates so give up and give us the boat!" Said one of the men

After giving the two men a concussion we sail off to the island that luffy is at. Let's just hope he didn't get into trouble but knowing him he probably is the trouble. Well one way to find out is there.

(Hey sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked it)

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