The Weasley twins in the library

Start from the beginning

Ghosts were unable to have much physical influence. They were visible and appeared as a greyish-silver apparition of their former selves. They can pass through solid objects without damaging themselves or the material, but create disturbances in , and air. The temperature dropped in the immediate vicinity of a ghost. Their presence could also turn flames blue. " She looked up from the book to the others.

"This is what you learn in school, and this is the type of ghosts we know of, but we already established that Fred isn't like these ones here but here is where it gets interesting." She started to read the text from the book again, Leah sitting on the edge of her seat, listening intently.

" However, there is another type of ghost. They only appear to the one they are linked to, one with magic in their blood. They don't look or cause the same disturbances as earlier described. They look exactly like the person they were before their demise. For example: they walk, don't float. They aren't greyish silver; they can move things when they concentrate and if they would walk through solid objects, they will experience cluster headaches. One of the more prominent things is: they can experience human physical complaints.

" That's Fred described to a t." Leah said excitingly. "Does it say anything else?"

"As long as the link is there, the ghost will be too. Depending on the sort of link to two share, there is a possibility to bring him or her back to the land of the living."

" There is a chance to bring him back?" George chocked out as Minerva lowered the book. "How?"

"It doesn't say. We need to find more information on their link, their scar." Minerva said closing the book. "Then we'll know if it is possible to bring him back."

Leah looked back at the stunned ghost next to her. "Did you find anything out?"

"No, nothing that links ghosts and scars together."

"And did you find anything, Leah?" Minerva asked.

"No." She groaned. "I don't think I will find anything out in these. I think I need to go to my grandparents' house to find out more or see what Sybil can tell us." She sighed pushing her books away. "Minerva... is there a way, a test to see if I really have magic in me?"

"I assume there would be. I will have to discuss this with our old headmaster."

"Dumbledore?" The twins asked surprised.

"Yes, there is a portrait of him in my office."

"You're going to talk to a portrait?" Leah asked baffled.

"You have a lot to learn about this world, Leah." The headmistress smiled softly. "I think we should call it a night. The students are bound to come back from Hogsmeade." She rose from her seat and with a wave of her wand the books flew back to their rightful place. "I'll look into the link you two share and talk it over with Albus. I owl you as soon as I know more."

"Thank you for your help, Minerva." Leah smiled as she stood up and stretched.

"You are a very exceptional young woman, Leah. I never met a muggle who fit in here so well." Minerva said as they walked out the library.

"Maybe she isn't a muggle." George said, frowning as they walked through the corridor.

"A squib? No, I'm 100% sure she isn't a squib."

"No, not a -"

"What's a squib?" Leah asked confused.

"A squib is someone born into a magical family but doesn't have magic in them. But since no one in your family is a witch or wizard..."

"I don't think she's a squib either but like Trelawny said, there is magic in her family, old magic. Maybe..."

"She's a witch." Fred continued, pondering. Leah looked up to Fred, unsure.

"You think I'm a witch?"

"They may have a point. If Sybil is right and if it's very old magic... It could be that it's dormant, pushed down for centuries. If we find out what kind of magic it is, it is possible that it skips generations."

Leah again found her heart stammering loud in her chest as the buzzing in her ears returned. Fred immediately saw her change and stopped in front of her.

"Leah, breathe. Take the vial."

"Leah?" She heard George ask in the far distance. Leah looked up at those piercing blue eyes, the ones she got so used to seeing and breathed in. She grabbed the vial from her bag and downed it in one, not taking her eyes of Fred.

"Feel better?"

"Yes, thanks Fred." She smiled up at him. "I'm okay." She said to the other worried faces as they stopped with her, a few meters away from McGonagall's office.

"You better get some sleep; you had a long day." Minerva said concerned. "Lemon drops."

The gargoyle suddenly turned, and the staircase appeared. Minerva asked George to keep this a between the four of them, at least until they know more. But Leah wasn't really paying attention at what was happening, still trying to calm her breath as the calming draught slowed her heartbeat.

"Come on, let's go home." Fred smiled at her, making her stomach flip. Home. 

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