Chapter Eighteen - Things We Shouldn't Do but We Did Anyways

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I can't stop the hammering of my heart, my pulse racing at the prospect of seeing Chat Noir as his true self. I quickly shake my head. Keep your priorities in check, Marinette.

"You and I both know that's an awful idea. Remember what happened just a few weeks ago? I refuse to let Hawkmoth use me to get to you. Don't you love someone else anyways?" I question him, remembering all the times we talked about our love lives.

"Forget about that, okay? Marinette, I'm here for you. If you want me as a friend, I'll always come by. If you want to go on some dates, I'll take you anywhere you want to go. You need to know what you like before you commit to someone." He pokes my nose again, making me giggle.

"Listen," he continues, voice turning a little more serious, "you're putting too much pressure on yourself to figure everything out. Just go with whatever feels right. I'll be here for you regardless of what you chose."

"A boy asked me out today. I think." I admit after a few moments of silence. Something unrecognizable passes along his features, and he waits patiently for me to continue.

"Are you going to go?" He prompts me to speak again, but I don't know what else to say.

"Maybe. I want too, but I don't know if I should, especially when I have confusing feelings for another person." I usher my hands towards him, and he just smirks in response. "Yeah, I guess I should. I have to go, I've loved him for years. I owe that to myself, to see if there's anything worth pursuing there. But there's something intimidating about him. And on top of that, I struggle to speak naturally with Adrien, it's like I panic and-" I cut myself off.

I said Adrien. Chat Noir will now know the guy I've loved all these years is named Adrien, and one look into my personal life would make it all too easy to find out that it's Adrien Agreste.

At least I'm just Marinette and not Ladybug. It could be worse. I just hope that he doesn't do something stupid out of jealousy, like track Adrien down and say something to him.

Chat Noir hardly seems like the jealous type though. I mean, he's even trying to convince me to date other people right now so I can be sure of what I want.

"You love him? Adrien?" Chat says, his face laced with a serious look that I can't quite stop myself from staring at.

"Yeah. I have since I first met him." I say quietly, feeling weird about confessing my love for another boy just moments after kissing someone different.

"Does he know?" Chat Noir rubs the back of his neck, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I don't think so. Though I'm not very good at hiding it. I always stumble on my words and panic when he's around. I don't know how to act normal, or find the right things to say to him. With you, conversation just flows so naturally. It's nothing like this with Adrien."

Chat Noir smiles softly, hands snaking around my hips and pulling me against him. I instinctively reach out, fingers toying with the ends of his blond hair while I stare at his precious smile.

"I think you should be honest with him, and give him the chance to be honest with you. Go on a date, and pretend he is me. And hey, if that doesn't work out, then I'm sure he'll be your friend regardless. No harm done." His words are soft and comforting, his breath fanning my face as he leans in to give me a small kiss.

"Thank you, Chat Noir. I-" I don't know how to express how much he means to me. "I don't think I can ever explain to you how much I appreciate you. I-I really adore you." His chuckle is light and beautiful.

"I adore you too, Princess. Shall I clean you up?" He says, gently turning me to face the mirror on my wall. I gasp, horror filling me as I stare at my mascara-stained cheeks and red splotchy lips.

"I look like a mess!" I choke out, hands cupping my face. Chat Noir delicately brings my hands to his lips, kissing them while he reaches over to grab some makeup wipes off my table.

"A hot mess. You're beautiful, Marinette. No matter how you look. This-" he stands behind me as he watches himself through the mirror wipe under my eyes, clearing away the mascara, "was not me." He finishes, a husky tone to his voice.

"This," he leans in, holding my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, staring at my plump red and splotchy lips, "now this was my doing."

My heart skips several beats, feeling like a circus of acrobatic monkeys slinging around in my stomach. The anticipation kills me. I snap as I grab his collar and pull him into another passionate kiss.

He makes a slightly startled noise as he quickly situates himself against me, his arms holding me close, hands roaming my shoulders, arms, and waist. He's careful, not exploring my body too much.

The two of us relish in each other's touch, gasping for air between each heated and passionate kiss.

When we break apart again, I'm the one to take a few steps back. I can't think clearly with Chat Noir kissing me like that.

I'd be willing to sell my soul as long as Chat Noir stayed by my side. His kisses cloud my judgment, making me vulnerable to give up everything for the two of us.

Does that make him the better choice?

I suppose I won't know until I give Adrien a shot. I'll go out with him, maybe even a few dates, and weigh who makes me feel the best.

Right now, I swear I'm leaning towards Chat Noir. I can't picture anything feeling better than this.

"We're human, Marinette. We're flawed beings. But you're the closest thing to perfect that I've ever met. Stop being so hard on yourself and trying to make sense of the unknown. Okay? You're far too pretty to be crying."

He envelops me in a soul healing hug, giving me a comforting squeeze. I smile into his chest, squeezing him back.

"You're rather flirty tonight, don't you think?"

"I have to win you over some way, don't I?" He pulls back to wink at me, making me giggle. I'm glad after all our kissing that he's still the same Chat Noir that's always charmed me.

"And if I don't choose you?" I retort, reaching up to fiddle with the ends of his hair. His eyes narrow, a look of confidence that just screams challenge accepted.

"Oh, you will. One way or another, it's going to be me." His smirk does something to me, making me laugh as I pepper a feather light kiss on his smile.

"You've always been so overly confident, huh?" I tease, pulling back to grab some makeup wipes and finish cleaning my face. As endearing as his gesture to help was, he did a shit job.

"Only when I have good reason to be." He taps on my wall, propping his hand up on his hip. "Though the fact you haven't hung up our picture yet makes me feel I'm more behind in this race than I thought."

"I've just been a little preoccupied." I giggle, waltzing over to grab his face and give him another quick peck. "There's no race, okay? I just need some time to think. I want to be sure of my feelings. Right now I don't really understand anything."

"Hey Princess, I'm just teasing. You take however long you need, I'll always be your friend. A friend that you can make out with whenever you want." He smirks as he leans in for yet another kiss.

I have a feeling we'll never stop kissing now that we've crossed this line, throwing caution to the wind as we dive head first into this brand new territory.

And to be completely honest? I'm far more than okay with that.

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