Chapter 8: The challenge

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"WOW!! Ninja's live in this world, too." I was quite excited. Though I was inches away from a fatal hit, I should at least take the best of this situation. When life gives you lemons you might as well throw them aside, because ninjas are waaaay better.

The Ninja walked towards Beatrice, who was embedded into the way. He ended up peeling her off by the head as she clamped tightly on her head before walking towards the side of my bed. By this point I was sitting up.

"I am terribly sorry, miss, my master trespassing into your bed chambers, as well as I. As well as the other atrocities we have burdened you with." He bowed his head, also forcibly bowing his......

"Wait, she is your master?" I asked, stunned. I thought he was also an instructor. I would take his class in a heartbeat.

"Yes, though she may not look it, she is quite the formidable individual. She was even in the jade hero's party back when she was a monk"

Ahhh, that explains it. Old habits die hard. "So, why are you her apprentice?" I asked.

"Because I am awesome!!" She interrupted. "Owowowow."

The Ninja ended up clamping on her head even more, physically chiding her. "Well, my goal is to become a shinobi class adventurer. Back in my homeland, which has blossomed many powerful shinobi's. However, I hope to become an adventurer through traveling and through my own efforts, rather than be borned into it, so I withheld training until now."

"Yeah, but why rogue?" I asked. "Is it because shinobi is a subclass?"

"Well, something like that. Shinobi's are, in layman's terms, a dual class. Much like magus, which requires sword mastery as well as magical capabilities, Shinobi is closest to a monk and a rogue. Monks, although may just seem like every brawling monk, she also is well versed in aura manipulation, a key requirement to become a shinobi. So, she was the basis for my growth."


"You don't know aura?" He asked, baffled.

"I don't think so...." I am sure that the journey that Lumiya gave me would possibly have information that could be useful. I don't know.

"As you have physical strength and magical strength, aura in the spiritual; how to feel. As someone is vulnerable against someone who is physically or magically struck, the same goes for spirit. If your aura has been attacked and damaged with no defense on it, there is a likelihood that you will go down without defending yourself." He explained.

"How many people are skilled at using aura in the tournament?"

"Join me as my apprentice, and I will throw that info?" She offered.

"Not that many. I would have to say my reconnaissance has found that there were 3 monk users who could use it, a shaman, who is a dual class aura mage, as well as 2 new heroes this year, not to mention myself. Heroes, though professed as such by the holy church, typically have the greatest affinities towards techniques and aura." He answered.

"Hey!" Beatrice snapped back. "Why did you give away the information?"

'"Master, we are in no position to be making such trades after what we have done to this room. We already have the fees to pay for the repair costs for this room to handle, much less the trespassing fee."

"Shhhh, it's fine," Beatrice coaxed. "Nobody was here yet. Which means nobody knows that we did it in the first place."

""Me and Lumiya did" A voice answered. I turned away from the Ninja and Beatrice, who were on my left side to find that Sierra was right then, leaning across the threshold. It was as if she was there the entire time. Though, I couldn't detect anything. Is that because of the aura, somehow?

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