The Bowuigi scene

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Luigis perspective

The turtles nails sharpened and he used his finger to pick up my chin. (turtle rizz) "w-w-w-wow *giggles cutely uwu* yayyy....." I say. Deep inside I feel emptiness in my chest as if something shattered in there when the sexy turtle said he was gonna marry someone.... I went emo....

"Well Luigi...there's a human, stealing my hoe. And he stealing other people's bitches cause he doesn't have any. Coincidentally he has a mustache.....just like you...Do you know him?" He picked my chin higher up this time with the middle of his index finger. Then started to play and curl the end of the right side of my was I instantly knew it was my smelly ass brother, that hasn't taken a shower in days, he was talking about. "no...NO uwu nya" I yell. Secretly I mean to say yes so I can be able to fuck this turtle with manners.

The turtle knew I lied and he wanted me to speak up. He pulled a singular hair off my mustache to make me do so. The mustache hair pull was so painful but also very irresistable...I couldn't help myself but blush even more like those snapchat filters replicating anime blush uwu >//////////////////////////////////////////////<
(stop this is so cringe)
It was as if the turtle decided to fuck me so hard it hurt....

Bowser gets angy and asks "DO YOU KNOW HIM OR NOT YOU DUMB FUCK?" I admit to it cause I want my brother to get in trouble "Y-y-y-y-yes *snorts cuteley* HES MY BROTHER MARIO AND HE IS THE MOST STUPIDEST MF IN THE WORLD!" The Turtle got angry... I was fine with the his cute little pout is all I need to survive<3 I blush cutely owo
Bowser seemed to get jealous and ask me if my brother had rizz. I said yes because I am so devious and good at lying.😈😱😱‼️‼️ Bowser got more angry I couldn't help myself but blush EVEN MORE. It was so red I don't think that's not even blush anymore it's like I got an infection on my face. Bowser threw me at the floor and shit. I somehow randomly knew his name. And it was. SO HOT. It's like Bowser knew what he was doing. It felt soo good as if I just did what the water pipes were doing back in Brooklyn. Although this time it was......more. I got a little bœner🤨📸 from it. IT WAS THE BEST THING I FELT IN YEARS. Unfortunately, Bowser ended up locking me on a cage to fall in lava and die but that means I would lever see those beautiful sharp teeth and ed sheeran red hair ever again.😔💔 I was so emo but I guess it was faith...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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