Part 2

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"I'm so sorry miss Slowey, I'm Doctor Abigail Deschamps and I will take care of your broken leg" and hopefully much much more... I dreamed.

The patient was in her thirties, very attractive, long blond hair in a ponytail, blue eyes. I could tell that my new patient, lawyer, and rock climber was having a very painfull day.

"Mrs Slowey, I will" She didn't let me finish my sentence again, yes she's a lawyer.

"It's Miss and please call me Marianne" She said trying to smile but the pain in her leg showed in her eyes.

When I was a gymnast, a friend landed badly from the vault on her feet but her tired and injured ankle rolled and broke underneath her. Pain shook through her lean body, foot, ankle, leg, breasts, lips and then she raised her arms like always, like she's instructed to do regardless, but her eyes couldn't hide the pain from her broken ankle.

I saw that in Marianne's eyes and at the same time in my own leg but at a lower level, much lower. I walked beside her, stared at her upper leg mostly.

"It's really painful so I guess it might be broken" Marianne said

"Yes, no doubt, it's broken, we need to identify what's broken. Your tibia and fibula are broken and I suspect that your femur might also be" We both stared at her long leg and for a quick second I wondered what colour she would pick for her cast?

"I like white" She said

"What?" Was she reading my mind?

"Since I will possibly be in a cast for a few months let's start with a white one" I could clearly see Marianne ib her crutches walking confidently towards the jury stand with her long white cast leading the way.

"Marianne, time for x-ray of your leg and see what's broken"

Our eyes met again. I guessed that Marianne would be slightly shorter than me, possibly around 5' 9". I noticed on her left hand that there was no wedding band on her ring finger.

I walked out with her chart and told Nat "x-rays right leg including femur".

The balance of the day had been very busy, it was the last day of my rotation and that meant 2 days off and lots of rest. I didn't see Marianne being released from the hospital and 2 weeks later I broke up with my girlfriend. I had been with her on and off for about a year. She wanted too much of my time and slowly we stopped sleeping together and only criss crossed each other at home and work since she was an admin in my hospital.

I decided to focus on work and not the personal relationship.

I was off-call and it was still early so I decided to take an Uber to Jolene's Bar for a drink. It is a lesbian bar but more importantly it respects everybody. Just to be clear I'm really bi-sexual but hate putting a label to my sexuality.

It wasn't too busy and Paige, one of my ex patients, was behind the bar tonight.

"Hello Doctor Deschamps, haven't seen you for sometime, how are you?"

"Yeah I know I've been busy at the hospital. How are things here and the work search?" I asked as I sat at the bar, bending my leg brace in a fluid motion.

"Same old here and interview tomorrow, crossed my fingers" Paige had been in a wild story and she was just recuperating. If you want to know more, just read the Multiple personalities story from Karine.

"What would you like?"

Without hesitation I ordered a Last Word. I smiled thinking of that drink and how much trouble IT got me in the past but my reverie was quickly replaced with a call from behind me.

"Dr. Dechamps." I spun and half my drink was caught in my throat when I realized the lady calling my name was my sexy patient from 2 weeks ago, the rock climber / lawyer. 

"Ms. Slowey" I almost choked out.

"I'm sorry doctor. I didn't mean to surprise you...." Marianne said leaning on her new crutches her right leg casted in a very long cast covering her leg completely and may I say, perfectly.

"No, I'm ok. How's the leg?" I asked her but wondering if she was alone here

"It's ok, almost a professional on my crutches, I will be in various casts for a long time since like you called it all 3 bones were broken. It was a very long day in court today and I needed one drink to unwind." Marianne said smiling using her crutches properly with all her weight on her hands and then she added

"Yes I'm alone at the moment" How the hell did she do that? How did she know I was thinking that?

"I give you credit Marianne to be back in court already wow that's impressive" and you look amazing in that long slim white cast, I didn't say

"But you Abigail long shift on your legs dealing with patients" She said, staring at my leg brace that was obvious in my short dress without pantyhose.

"Would you like to join me? We could take a booth and have your broken leg elevated" I offered, staring at this sexy blond woman and dreaming of that cast on my lap applying pressure to, you know.

"Sure why not. I noticed you staring at my cast, is there something wrong?"

"No, not at all" I felt the blood rush to my face again. "Quite the opposite, it looks very stylish on your long leg miss, I mean Marianne" Get it together Abigail you sound like an horny teenager.

I limped to the nearest empty booth and took her crutches while she sat down. I helped lift her broken leg to the spare seat. Her white cast was spotless, no signature just small initials under the foot, MM, Classy Marion signing her lovely cast.

I stared at her blue eyes again, was I having feelings for that sexy, tall and injured woman?

It was intense and yes I was but was she?

Part 3 to come

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